Green Comet Approaches Earth Once in a Lifetime February 2023, Here’s BRIN’s Explanation

Green Comet Approaches Earth Once in a Lifetime February 2023, Here’s BRIN’s Explanation, Jakarta – A comet green will cross Earth’s sky for the first time in 50,000 years and will likely last for a while. When near Earth, it will be visible through binoculars as a small green glow. Scientists say, green comet it will be closest to Earth on February 2, 2023. NASA even said, … Read more

The HUAWEI MateBook D15 laptop comes with an elegant design and different colors to suit the tastes of users

The HUAWEI MateBook D15 laptop comes with an elegant design and different colors to suit the tastes of users

Thank you for reading the news about technology: the HUAWEI MateBook D15 laptop comes with an elegant design and different colors to suit users’ tastes and now with the news details Cairo – Samia Sayed – preparing the laptop HUAWEI MateBook D15 It is among the superior Huawei devices, which makes it ideal for the … Read more

Al-Hara Jordanian film… controversial swear words!

Al-Hara Jordanian film… controversial swear words!

Tell me – The Jordanian film Al-Hara, the Circle, set in a neighborhood dominated by gossip and violence east of the capital Amman, has caused a lot of controversy because it contains obscene words. Social media platforms were buzzing with discussions about the film’s content and the message to be conveyed by it, between a … Read more

The Kepler telescope reveals a “flaw” in the inner core of red giant stars

The Kepler telescope reveals a “flaw” in the inner core of red giant stars

A team of astronomers has found new evidence that red giant stars Suffering from “glitches” (clear structural differences) in their inner core, according to RT’s report, red giants are dying stars, in the advanced stages of their formation. stellar evolutionwhich has run out of hydrogen in its core. In the study, published in the journal … Read more

Laila Abdel Latif 2023 predictions on events and horoscopes

Laila Abdel Latif 2023 predictions on events and horoscopes

Tell me – The words of Laila Abdel Latif Expectations 2023 dominated search engines in the last minutes for the statements made by the famous astronomer, known as the “Lady of Expectations” during the “Al-Sattat” program on the channel “Al-channel satellite Nahar”. The famous astronomer spoke about predictions that could occur in the Arab Republic … Read more

Gene therapy gel? Promising use in wound treatment of blistering skin diseases | GeneOnline news

Gene therapy gel?  Promising use in wound treatment of blistering skin diseases |  GeneOnline news

Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, this bullous skin disease that sounds awkward and incomprehensible, is actually a rare hereditary bullous skin disease, which is not only life-threatening, but also makes patients suffer continuously. Years or decades of affliction with large open wounds, but unfortunately, the current treatment options for this extremely painful condition are palliative care. People … Read more

We live off living flesh in Lebanon

We live off living flesh in Lebanon

Tell me – Lebanese actress, Layal Abboud, has launched an attack on some party caterers in her country, criticizing the way they treat them, commenting by saying, ‘Lebanese contractors haven’t come out to deal with them.’ Abboud added: “I work very sweetly, with love, cooperation and a helping hand, but none of them deserve it. … Read more

News site: The benefits of canned tuna

News site: The benefits of canned tuna

Tell me – Thanks to its many benefits, tuna is the perfect choice for athletes, fitness enthusiasts and others looking for a healthy diet to enjoy a better life. In the following few lines, we will show you the most important health benefits of tuna: 1- Tuna helps treat gout and arthritis. It also lowers … Read more

(Syrian artists) respond to news of Salloum Haddad’s death

(Syrian artists) respond to news of Salloum Haddad’s death

Tell me – Raj This evening there was the news of the death of the Syrian artist Salloum Haddad, and many pages circulated this news. For its part, the Syndicate of Syrian artists has denied what was circulating. And the Union said in one of its pages: Distinguished fellow artist Salloum Haddad is a thousand … Read more

37.16.000 Indian accounts were closed in November due to many | Goal | Social media | Technology | Technology News | whatsapp | Social Media News | Malayalam technology news

37.16.000 Indian accounts were closed in November due to many |  Goal |  Social media |  Technology |  Technology News |  whatsapp |  Social Media News |  Malayalam technology news

Meta-owned WhatsApp said it banned 37,16,000 accounts in India in November under new IT rules. This shows a 60% increase from October. WhatsApp, which has around 50 crore users in the country, received 946 complaints from India in November and took action in 74 cases. WhatsApp, owned by Meta, said accounts were also blocked in … Read more