Revealed! Assets of 7,997 taxpayers ‘hiding’ in Singapore, this is the value

Revealed!  Assets of 7,997 taxpayers ‘hiding’ in Singapore, this is the value

Jakarta – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed a list of 15 countries from which taxpayers’ assets were declared and repatriated that had participated in the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) aka tax amnesty volume II. Singapore is the majority country. “The majority of Singaporeans, Rp 56.960 trillion are those whose assets are in Singapore with … Read more

Visit the Tax Office, skipper 99 Report your SPT and Participate in Tax Amnesty

Visit the Tax Office, skipper 99 Report your SPT and Participate in Tax Amnesty

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Gilang Widya Pramana aka skipper 99 follow tax amnesty volume II or mandatory voluntary disclosure program tax (PPS) at the Pratama Jakarta Tax Service Office, Mampang Prapatan. Citing the Instagram account @Juragan_99 on Friday (25/3), on that occasion Gilang also reported the Annual Notification Letter (SPT). “Alhamdulillah, today completed the obligation … Read more

Never Report Inheritance Homes on SPT, Get Ready to Be Taxed!

Never Report Inheritance Homes on SPT, Get Ready to Be Taxed!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government ensures that inheritance that has not been reported in the SPT must participate in the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) aka tax amnesty volume II. This means that inheritance will be subject to tax rates. So far, assets obtained from inheritance are not tax objects. It just needs to be … Read more

Is there a ‘Betmen Trap’ in Tax Amnesty? This is the response of the Directorate General of Taxes

Is there a ‘Betmen Trap’ in Tax Amnesty?  This is the response of the Directorate General of Taxes

Jakarta – The government held a socialization of the Law (UU) on the Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP). One of the materials regulated in the law is the tax amnesty volume 2 on January 1-30 June 2022. Regarding the tax amnesty, there were concerns that the policy was only a government trap. This was stated … Read more