SYRIZA – Kasselakis: The terms of the game regulate the presidential battle – 2024-09-17 16:29:12

SYRIZA – Kasselakis: The terms of the game regulate the presidential battle
 – 2024-09-17 16:29:12

Every day is another day for SYRIZA, making the puzzle of correlations completely fluid. Within this backdrop of constant shifts, balances remain delicate and fragile. The fact that information about readjustment of the road map which will lead the official opposition party first to a congress and then to presidential elections from the grassroots, simply … Read more

SYRIZA: The reappearance of Kasselakis, the new defeat and the “failed Capitol ala Greca” – 2024-09-15 12:23:24

SYRIZA: The reappearance of Kasselakis, the new defeat and the “failed Capitol ala Greca”
 – 2024-09-15 12:23:24

Stefanos Kasselakis scored a new defeat yesterday, with him being declared officially deposed by the Political Secretariat which ratified the decision taken last Sunday by the Central Committee of SYRIZA. The reappearance of Kaselakis After several twenty-four hours of silence, the ousted president of SYRIZA reappeared yesterday in the most episodic way. It all started … Read more

Gerovasili: Internal party elections should be held again in SYRIZA – 2024-09-01 11:16:10

Gerovasili: Internal party elections should be held again in SYRIZA
 – 2024-09-01 11:16:10

Olga Gerovasili, speaking on Wednesday night at Action24, called on Stefanos Kasselakis to take responsibility himself and to hold leadership elections from the grassroots. “Party members and people are the ones who can act redemptively. Let Stefanos Kasselakis himself address the world of SYRIZA and then everything will be solved. To move forward” stated, among … Read more