It destroys the kidneys and causes clots.. “Al-Khudairi” reveals a silent killer who has no symptoms and explains its danger

It destroys the kidneys and causes clots.. “Al-Khudairi” reveals a silent killer who has no symptoms and explains its danger

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Carcinogens researcher, Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, re-published an infographic of the Ministry of Health, through his Twitter account, about the seriousness of blood pressure. And he attached the infograph with a comment: “Blood pressure is called the silent killer, because it often appears without symptoms, but it gnaws at the vital organs, destroys the … Read more

Suffering from these symptoms? That could just mean you’re in menopause – you can do this

Suffering from these symptoms?  That could just mean you’re in menopause – you can do this

Sooner or later every woman will have to deal with it: the menopause. The gradations vary from light to very severe. But how do you know if you got into it? We’ve listed the five most common symptoms with helpful tips on how to best deal with them. Emma Paternotte and Merel Wielink hope to … Read more

The monthly doctor reveals 4 signs of a heart attack • Al Marsad Newspaper

The monthly doctor reveals 4 signs of a heart attack • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Family doctor Dr. Saud Al-Shehri revealed 4 signs indicating that a person has familial high cholesterol. Al-Shehri explained, in a video to him on his Twitter account, the symptoms include: “If this person finds the level of lDl cholesterol above 190 milligrams, the second thing is the presence of swelling around the joints … Read more

5 Signs of Lung Cancer Visible on the Skin, Smokers Must Be Alert

5 Signs of Lung Cancer Visible on the Skin, Smokers Must Be Alert

Jakarta – The lungs are one of the vital organs that are crucial for human survival. This organ plays a major role in the respiratory system and also the circulatory system in the human body. When the lungs have problems, many people are more familiar with the symptoms that arise in breathing, such as coughing, … Read more

Child Diabetes Cases Increase 70 Times, Recognize the Symptoms

Child Diabetes Cases Increase 70 Times, Recognize the Symptoms

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Diabetes is a disease that not only affects the elderly, but also those who are young. This condition can even affect children. The disease, also known as ‘diabetes’, develops when the pancreas that produces the hormone insulin doesn’t work properly, or when the body doesn’t use insulin properly. ADVERTISEMENT SCROLL TO … Read more

Watch .. “a consultant” reveals the symptoms of a stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Watch .. “a consultant” reveals the symptoms of a stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Neurologist Dr. Aisha Al-Bakr revealed that one in four people is at risk of stroke, pointing out that taking aspirin may increase the risk of stroke. Aisha Al-Bakr said, during an intervention on the “Rased” program, “One out of four people is at risk of a stroke, and therefore this problem should be … Read more

These are common symptoms for ISPA sufferers, try these methods to get rid of them

These are common symptoms for ISPA sufferers, try these methods to get rid of them

SAMBAS WARTA – Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) can cause symptoms cough, runny nose, accompanied by fever. It is highly contagious and can be experienced by anyone, especially children and the elderly (elderly). Besides that, ISPA can also cause inflammation of the respiratory tract, from the nose to the lungs. Most are caused by viruses … Read more

A mother suddenly loses her life… She thought that what she was feeling was symptoms of poisoning, and this is what turned out

A mother suddenly loses her life… She thought that what she was feeling was symptoms of poisoning, and this is what turned out

British Kelly Gleeson, 40, suddenly lost her life after believing that her symptoms were just “food poisoning”. After a tiring day spent by the mother vomiting, she lay on the bed to sleep; When her daughter, Madison, 17, went to check on her just an hour later, she was found dead. According to the British … Read more

Do not ignore it .. Signs in the foot indicate that you have this dangerous disease! • Observatory Newspaper

Do not ignore it .. Signs in the foot indicate that you have this dangerous disease!  • Observatory Newspaper

Al Marsad Newspaper: The liver is an integral part of your body and helps perform a wide range of functions, including removing harmful toxins. It also regulates blood sugar levels by producing and storing glucose, bile that helps digest fats and absorb fat-soluble vitamins, and regulates blood cholesterol levels. Some health problems may start to … Read more

Kidney diseases – which symptoms show what

Kidney diseases – which symptoms show what

How is the Anatomy of the kidneys? The kidneys are paired organs located in the human body on either side of the spine between the abdominal cavity and the back muscles at the level of the lower ribs. More specifically, between the twelfth thoracic vertebra and the third lumbar vertebra, with the right kidney sitting … Read more