Bell’s Palsy Appears as a Common Symptom of COVID-19

loading… JAKARTA – Bell’s palsy is paralysis of the facial nerve. In this condition, the muscles in the face experience temporary weakness or paralysis. This condition usually occurs when the nerves that control the facial muscles are inflamed, swollen, or compressed. This can cause the face to droop or become stiff. According to recent reports, … Read more

Color Changes on the Lips, Hands, or Feet Can Mark …

loading… JAKARTA – A heart attack occurs when blood flows to the muscles heartsuddenly clogged, usually by blood clots. As explained through the page Mayo Clinic, fatty deposits build up over time, forming plaque in the arteries of your heart. If the plaque breaks, blood clots can form and block the arteries, causing a heart … Read more

These Home Materials Can Be Natural Medicines to Overcome Allergies

loading… JAKARTA – Allergies occur due to the body’s response to foreign substances or allergens such as pollen, certain foods, pet dander, dust, mold, drugs, and insect stings. The allergens are usually harmless, but they can cause allergies and discomfort in some people. In response to fighting these allergens, the body triggers the presence of … Read more

Recognize the Symptoms of Diplopia in order to get the right therapy

loading… JAKARTA – Diplopia or double vision is a condition in which the patient sees two views of one object. If you experience something like this, a person can close one eye to see if it is monocular diplopia or binocular diplopia. Eye specialist Aini Eye Hospital, Jakarta, dr. Dialica, SpM said, if two views … Read more

Important for Parents, Recognize Symptoms of Cancer in Children

loading… JAKARTA – Having children with cancer becomes a challenge for parents, where the child cannot describe the pain or tell the complaint. So that, parents or close family must recognize symptoms cancer in your little one. Prof. said. Dr. Djajadiman Gatot, Consultant Child Specialist in Hematology Oncology from the Faculty of Medicine / RSCM, … Read more