Russia asks US to answer Reported involvement in Nord Stream explosion | Reuters

Russia asks US to answer Reported involvement in Nord Stream explosion | Reuters

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said on Monday that the United States was responsible for last year’s explosions in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 undersea pipelines that carry natural gas from Russia to Europe. “The US administration needs to comment on all the facts,” he said. FILE PHOTO: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson … Read more

Swedish hunters cull 54 wolves despite negative advice from scientists | Abroad

Swedish hunters cull 54 wolves despite negative advice from scientists |  Abroad

07 feb 2023 om 23:16Update: 34 minuten geleden Hunters have shot 54 wolves in Sweden in a month. The largest wolf cull in the country’s history will require a total of 75 animals to be culled by 2023, while scientists have issued a negative advice. The culling has angered conservationists, but satisfied farmers. They see … Read more

Sweden Opens Voice after Turkey Refuses Stockholm to Join NATO Gegara Paludan

Sweden Opens Voice after Turkey Refuses Stockholm to Join NATO Gegara Paludan

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Sweden open voice after the President Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan reluctant to give Stockholm its blessing to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey itself is a member of NATO which has the right to accept or refuse other countries to enter the defense pact. ADVERTISEMENT SCROLL … Read more

Turkey Vs Sweden’s Strong Military Competition, Who Is More Fierce?

Turkey Vs Sweden’s Strong Military Competition, Who Is More Fierce?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Connection Turki and Sweden The situation has gotten even more complicated since Stockholm applied to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).NATO) last year. Relations between the two countries became increasingly strained after an anti-Turkish demonstration broke out in Stockholm, where far-right politician Rasmus Paludan … Read more

Sweden wants NATO membership, but no interference from Erdogan

Sweden wants NATO membership, but no interference from Erdogan

Reuters NOS News•today, 6:03 PM Rolien Creton correspondent Scandinavia Thom Edinger Foreign editor Rolien Creton correspondent Scandinavia Thom Edinger Foreign editor What should have been a rapid entry into NATO for Finland and Sweden has been completely derailed in a short time. While Turkey continues to add to its list of demands and demands the … Read more

After repeating the incident in The Hague.. the wave of condemnation of the burning of the Holy Qur’an continues, and demonstrations in Arab and Islamic countries | News

After repeating the incident in The Hague.. the wave of condemnation of the burning of the Holy Qur’an continues, and demonstrations in Arab and Islamic countries |  News

Condemnations and denunciations continue in several regions of the Arab and Islamic world and beyond, for the burning of the Noble Qur’an at the hands of extremists in Sweden and the Netherlands. Today, Tuesday, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine condemned the extremist Edwin Wagensfeld’s tearing and burning of the Holy Qur’an in … Read more

Sweden’s NATO membership: Erdogan says not to expect Turkey’s support | Sweden’s NATO membership: Erdogan says not to expect support from Turkey

Sweden’s NATO membership: Erdogan says not to expect Turkey’s support |  Sweden’s NATO membership: Erdogan says not to expect support from Turkey

Istanbul: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strengthened his stance on Sweden joining NATO. Erdogan made it clear that Sweden should no longer expect Turkey’s support for NATO membership. Turkey has announced that it must agree to certain measures to support Sweden becoming part of NATO. A copy of the Qur’an was burned in a … Read more

Washington says Sweden and Finland “are ready” to join NATO

Washington says Sweden and Finland “are ready” to join NATO

The United States has indicated on Monday that Finland and Sweden are ready to join the NATO alliance, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan argued that Stockholm should not expect his country’s support for membership due to the recent burning of Korans during a demonstration in the Swedish capital. (Source: Turkish govt/ebs/US state department)

After burning the Koran, Rasmus Paludan admitted that he was afraid because he received threats

After burning the Koran, Rasmus Paludan admitted that he was afraid because he received threats

Tuesday, January 24 2023 – 14:34 WIB VIVA World – Politicians Sweden Rasmus Paludanwhich is currently being discussed after carrying out the arson action Al Quran at the end of last week, admitted that he was scared because of the threats he received. Moreover, the anger over the Al Quran burning protest resulted in the … Read more