Supernova!Qi Lin turned out to fulfill his talent, CBA blowing youth storm_Xinjiang team

Original title: Supernova!Qi Lin turned out to fulfill his talent, CBA blew youth storm In the last three rounds, Xinjiang men’s basketball small forward Qi Lin turned out to fulfill his talent. From the top high school student in the country to the rising star of CBA, Qi Lin has a youthful storm in CBA! … Read more

Really Cool, Supernova Sound From NASA’s Sonification Program – Program sonifikasi new data belong NASA allows humans to hear voices supernova, the most extreme phenomenon in the universe, by turning it into a sound that any instrument on Earth can play. To hear the sound, NASA teamed up with the Chandra X-ray observatory, which has been imaging distant galaxies for 20 years. … Read more

POT. Hubble Telescope takes photo of amazing exploding star

There is no doubt that the more we know about the universe, more incredible everything that happens in outer space becomes and more mysteries arise around the very existence of our planetand of humanity. The NASA / ESA Hubble telescope has captured surprising images of planets, comets, stars and galaxies, and now managed to capture … Read more

Four hundred years later the debris from the Kepler supernova explosion did not diminish

An exploding supernova is a more common phenomenon than you might think, deep in the universe. For now it is only recorded in massive stars. As is already known a supernova It occurs when a massive star is exploding. We call massive stars those that have an extension as or more impressive than our Sun. … Read more

Starbursts may have contributed – CNN

Why are the stars dying? (Video from 2018) 1:53– (CNN) — Simultaneous explosions of stars, called supernovae, may have led to one of Earth’s mass extinctions 359 million years ago, according to new research. Several global extinction events occurred during the Devonian period, which lasted from 359 million to 419.2 million years ago, and also … Read more

Mystery: How could the blue giant star disappear?

Dhe life of stars does not last forever. Very massive specimens end their existence with a huge supernova explosion. Such a firework would certainly not have escaped astronomers in the dwarf galaxy PHL 293B (Kinman), 75 million light years away – if a giant star had exploded there. But when the Irish researchers from Trinity … Read more

Betelgeuse: Supernova or sunspots? | MDR.DE

Above all, it was the unusually strong drop in brightness of the star in the constellation Orion that fascinated astronomers. However, the darkening has most likely caused unusually large spots on the surface of Betelgeuse. This is what scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg assume. The team headed by Thavisha … Read more

They discover a supernova whose magnitude eclipses all the others

Madrid Spain. A supernova At least twice as bright with more energy and surely much more massive than any other found has been identified by an international team of astronomers, according to a study published today. Nature Astronomy. Measurements made by an international team indicate that the mass of this supernova it was between 50 … Read more

Are these magnetars the source of the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe?

Magnetars are neutron stars, like pulsars, with the highest magnetic fields in the known universe. They are believed to be associated with supernova and hypernova record explosions. A new explanation for the enigmatic origin of their magnetic fields has just been found and goes in this direction. – Influenced by the work of Fred Zwicky, … Read more