Researchers discover “giant baby planet” near Earth – world –

Researchers discover “giant baby planet” near Earth – world –

13.02.2020 20:32 (Act. 13.02.2020 20:32) – – – Researchers discover “giant baby planet” near Earth © YouTube (screenshot) – – – A new “giant baby planet” was discovered just a stone’s throw from our earth. But this puzzles researchers. Researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York have now discovered him. The … Read more

Fast radio bursts: mysterious signals from space to earth

Fast radio bursts: mysterious signals from space to earth

science radio flashes Mysterious rhythmic signals from space to earth – – As of: 3:10 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes – – – The exact position of radio flashes has been determined by radio telescopes worldwide for several years Credit: pa / danielle futselaar / / dpa – – Researchers call the source … Read more

Radio flashes: mysterious rhythmic signals from space to earth

Radio flashes: mysterious rhythmic signals from space to earth

science radio flashes Mysterious rhythmic signals from space to earth – – Status: 11:57 a.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes – – – The exact position of radio flashes has been determined by radio telescopes worldwide for several years Credit: pa / danielle futselaar / / dpa – – Researchers call the source of … Read more

″ Solar Orbiter ″ flies to the sun | Current World | DW

″ Solar Orbiter ″ flies to the sun | Current World | DW

The mission, which is estimated to be almost 1.5 billion euros in total and in which several German research institutes are involved, is intended to provide many new insights into the star, which is around 150 million kilometers away. The joint project between the US space agency NASA and its European counterpart ESA has ten … Read more

“Solar Orbiter” is supposed to unravel its secrets from the sun

“Solar Orbiter” is supposed to unravel its secrets from the sun

The “Solar Orbiter” probe is due to launch on February 8 from the Cape Canaveral spaceport (USA). Image: APA / ESA / ATG Medialab / Nasa It is omnipresent and yet still full of riddles: the sun. A new mission into space should now create clarity. The “Solar Orbiter” is supposed to provide images of … Read more

Solar Orbiter – so close to the sun

Solar Orbiter – so close to the sun

The situation is different for man-made machines. The lights can cause blackouts, satellites and navigation equipment fail, and disrupt flight routes. But how can something so majestic cause so much chaos? The auroras are in themselves a waste product of the sun. – The sun itself consists of electrons, ions and hot plasma. There is … Read more

Many Germans suffer from a lack of sun vitamin

Many Germans suffer from a lack of sun vitamin

How important is vitamin D for our health? This is the subject of heated debate among doctors. Some swear by vitamin D cures, others consider this an unnecessary trend. How is the vitamin D supply in Germany? Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can make itself. The so-called endogenous synthesis takes place … Read more

Snow has paralyzed life! 200 people are stuck – Sözcü Gazetesi

Snow has paralyzed life! 200 people are stuck – Sözcü Gazetesi

In Sivas, where the harshest winter conditions are experienced, cold weather and snowfall brought life to a standstill in Gürün district. Vehicle transportation between Sivas and Gürün and Gürün and Kayseri stopped due to its type. About 70 vehicles were stuck in the district center. Nearly 200 people were placed in guesthouses in the district. … Read more