Nutritionist answers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Nutritionist answers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The nutritionist at Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Hospital, Shorouk, Basinbel, answered a question about whether excessive consumption of dates by diabetics makes them completely equal to manufactured sugar. And she said during an interview with the “Sabah Al-Saudi” program: “The exaggeration of a diabetic in everything is incorrect, and the meals he eats … Read more

Participant of the show “Voice” Alexandra Zakharik detained in Minsk

Participant of the show “Voice” Alexandra Zakharik detained in Minsk

34-year-old singer Alexandra Zakharik, who participated in the Russian project “Voice”, was detained in Minsk. The Human Rights Center announced this “spring”. Now the singer is in an isolation ward in the 1st lane of Akrestsina. The singer has been charged under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (organization and preparation of actions that grossly … Read more

“Sugar” .. a duet that brings together Abdel Aziz Louis and Aseel Hamim

“Sugar” .. a duet that brings together Abdel Aziz Louis and Aseel Hamim

like The artist Abdel Aziz Louis The first joint work with the artist Aseel Hamim, the song is called “sugarIt was well received by social media pioneers hours after it was released on YouTube and all digital platforms. “Sugar” is written by Ali Bu Ghaith, composed by Abdel Aziz Lewis, distributed by Al Matrouk, Mix … Read more

Disclosure of a common seed that reduces type 1 sugar, stimulates insulin secretion, and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides

Disclosure of a common seed that reduces type 1 sugar, stimulates insulin secretion, and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides

Al-Marsad Newspaper: There are many health benefits of fenugreek, and these benefits are evident in the fact that it contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, in addition to its effectiveness in combating and treating some diseases, according to “Web Medicine”. Among the most important of these benefits: 1. Control your sugar levels Studies … Read more

7 amazing benefits to stop eating sugar for a month, most notably dental health

7 amazing benefits to stop eating sugar for a month, most notably dental health

The American Heart Association confirmed that the main source for sugar The added sugar comes from drinks, followed by snacks and desserts. Excess consumption of added sugar can raise triglyceride levels, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Here are the health benefits of giving up sugar for 30 days, according to … Read more

You will not imagine what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar for a week! • Observatory Newspaper

You will not imagine what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar for a week!  • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Sugar consumption is one of the main daily issues for many people, but it causes many health complications for the human body. And on what happens to your body if you stop eating sugar for a week: 1- Mood: Your mood can change if your body is addicted to sugar, as sugar releases … Read more

Discovery of a famous herb that treats nerves and joint pain and reduces blood sugar levels

Discovery of a famous herb that treats nerves and joint pain and reduces blood sugar levels

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The ginseng herb belongs to the world of medicinal herbs and carries distinct therapeutic properties. There are several types of it around the world, and its roots are usually used in the pharmaceutical industry, according to Web Medicine. What are its benefits? Ginseng is famous for its uses to improve thinking and increase … Read more

A type of herb that enhances fertility for men and lowers sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides

A type of herb that enhances fertility for men and lowers sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Ashwagandha is one of the herbs that has many health benefits, as it is classified in the category of adaptogen herbs that help the body get rid of stress, according to “Web Medicine”. Among the most important health benefits of ashwagandha and its uses are: 1- Reducing blood sugar levels It was found … Read more

3 myths about diabetes that must be eliminated.. Know them

3 myths about diabetes that must be eliminated.. Know them

There are many misconceptions about diabetes that need to be checked. According to the “indiatoday” website, diabetes is a lifestyle disease that has been developed due to poor health choices, including: Excessive sugar intake And not to exercise. This chronic disease occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, the hormone that regulates blood … Read more