State exhibition: women who made history – Bavaria

State exhibition: women who made history – Bavaria

March 8, 2021, 6:50 p.m. Bayern:Women made history Open detailed view— Siblings of Empress Elisabeth in Stieler’s sketch from 1854. (Photo: Private possession, Darmstadt. With the kind permission of Ketterer Kunst.) — In the upcoming state exhibition “Götterdämmerung II – The Last Monarchs” in Regensburg, women will play a central role. – By Hans Kratzer, … Read more

Würzburg – baby mistreated to death – Bavaria

Würzburg – baby mistreated to death – Bavaria

February 22, 2021, 8:26 p.m. Würzburg:Baby abused to death In the trial of the violent death of a baby in Lower Franconia, the defendant was sentenced to eleven years imprisonment for manslaughter. The judgment was pronounced on Monday afternoon before the Würzburg regional court. The presiding judge said the eight-month-old infant “died a terrible death … Read more

Economy – education hui, Netz pfui – Bavaria

Economy – education hui, Netz pfui – Bavaria

Secure power supply, but poor cell phone network: Despite the infrastructure that can be expanded in some areas, Bavaria’s companies are satisfied with the economic framework in the Free State. This is the result of a current study by the Association of Bavarian Economy (VBW). 95 percent of the companies surveyed would therefore relocate in … Read more

Education – Record number of students despite hybrid semester – Bavaria

Education – Record number of students despite hybrid semester – Bavaria

Corona does not prevent young people from studying in Bavaria: Science Minister Bernd Sibler (CSU) announced a record on Monday. For the first time in the winter semester, 403,000 students will study at art colleges, universities and colleges for applied sciences (HaW). Of these, 67,750 are experiencing university operations for the first time – in … Read more

Ansbach / Würzburg – Police capture graffiti sprayer – Bavaria

Ansbach / Würzburg – Police capture graffiti sprayer – Bavaria

The police have discovered a graffiti sprayer who is said to be responsible for numerous graffiti in Central and Lower Franconia and in Hesse. The 20-year-old is said to have smeared a total of 62 property walls, traffic signs, power boxes and garages in the Ansbach district alone. The police assume that in the spring … Read more

Würzburg – rescue from the Main – Bavaria

Würzburg – rescue from the Main – Bavaria

At the last second, two men were rescued from the Main just before the water inlet of a power plant in Würzburg. As the integrated control center announced on Sunday, a 28-year-old and a 24-year-old swam near the Old Main Bridge. Shortly before they could be sucked in by the current of the power plant, … Read more