Correction-today’s stock outlook = solid, supported by yen depreciation Bank of Japan revision caution continues | Reuters

Correction-today’s stock outlook = solid, supported by yen depreciation Bank of Japan revision caution continues | Reuters

(予想レンジの水準を「2万6600円―2万6900円」から「2万7600円―2万 7900円」に訂正します) [東京 7日 ロイター] – きょうの東京株式市場で日経平均株価は、底堅い 展開が想定されている。前日の米国市場では雇用統計後の金利上昇傾向が続いて株価は下 落したが、ドル高/円安となったことが日本株を支援しそうだ。日銀の政策修正に対する 過度な警戒感が緩和する地合いが継続するとみられている。 日経平均の予想レンジは2万7600円―2万7900円。(訂正) 前営業日終 昨年来高 昨年来安 値 値 値 日経平均     27693.65 29388.16 24681.74           +184.19 2022/01/0 2022/03/0    5 9 シカゴ日経平均先物 27685(円建 当限 て)

Today’s stock outlook = strong, caution against hawkish FOMC eased test milestone | Reuters

Today’s stock outlook = strong, caution against hawkish FOMC eased test milestone | Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) – Today’s Tokyo stock market is expected to see a stronger run for the Nikkei Stock Average. In the US market, fears that the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will be a hawkish event due to the slowdown in the growth of employment costs have eased, and stocks have risen. It is … Read more

Today’s stock outlook = continued decline, fears of US recession Buybacks in export stocks | Reuters

Today’s stock outlook = continued decline, fears of US recession Buybacks in export stocks | Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan’s Nikkei stock average is expected to continue to fall on the Tokyo stock market today. In the US market the day before, the three major indexes fell all together due to recession fears, and Japanese stocks are also expected to sell ahead. On the other hand, despite the appreciation of the … Read more

Today’s stock outlook = conflict, look ahead to the results of the Bank of Japan meeting tomorrow | Reuters

Today’s stock outlook = conflict, look ahead to the results of the Bank of Japan meeting tomorrow | Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) – Today’s Tokyo stock market is expected to see the Nikkei stock average struggle. With the US market closed on the previous day and lacking clues, buying is expected in anticipation of a self-sustaining rebound from the previous day’s decline. On the other hand, with the announcement of the results of the Bank … Read more