Energy Suppliers Under Scrutiny: Did Defective Lines Cause Los Angeles Fire?

Energy Suppliers Under Scrutiny: Did Defective Lines Cause Los Angeles Fire?

markdown Possible Connection Between SCE Equipment and Fire IncidentTable of ContentsPossible Connection Between SCE Equipment and Fire IncidentLos ⁤Angeles: Ein⁣ Silvester-Böller löst furchtbare ‌Feuer ausUrsachen ‌und​ AuswirkungenUntersuchung des waldbrands in Eaton: SCE ‌Rolle ihrer‌ AusrüstungUntersuchung könnte mehrere Monate dauernFeuer in Los angeles‍ tötete 29 MenschenZusammenarbeit mit den BehördenFazitCalifornia Wildfires in 2020: A Devastating Year by … Read more

Why you have to wait for money for electricity

Why you have to wait for money for electricity

Thomas Viehweg is angry. He is standing in front of his large combined heat and power plant in the Sevelen nursery. The modern device not only produces electricity for his own nursery, but surpluses are also fed into the general power grid. However, he has not yet received any compensation for this from Westnetz, the … Read more

Balcony power plant: How much money can you save

Balcony power plant: How much money can you save

Size, price, location, ask landlord Balcony power plants usually consist of solar modules that are around one meter high and 1.70 meters long. They are around three centimeters thick. The devices are available with one or two modules, and the inverter ensures that no more than the permitted maximum wattage can be fed in, even … Read more

Přes Česko přešly bouřky s krupobitím. Dálnici D1 pokrylo bahno a větve

Přes Česko přešly bouřky s krupobitím. Dálnici D1 pokrylo bahno a větve

flow of ideas, and a clear structure⁢ in your article.⁤ The Importance⁤ of Preparedness in Dealing with Natural Disasters Recent events at the Kladka⁣ school daycare serve as a stark reminder of‌ the unpredictable‍ nature of natural disasters. The​ sudden‍ flooding ⁢caused by heavy rainfall not only disrupted daily activities but also posed a threat … Read more

Consumer Advice Centers Urge Electricity and Gas Customers to Consider Changing Providers for 2024 Cost Increases

Consumer Advice Centers Urge Electricity and Gas Customers to Consider Changing Providers for 2024 Cost Increases

Düsseldorf (dpa) – The consumer advice centers advise electricity and gas customers to consider changing providers because of the additional costs announced for 2024. “Consumers should definitely check a tariff portal to see how much savings they could save,” said energy expert at the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Center, Christina Wallraf, to the German Press Agency. … Read more

VDA Electromobility Ranking: Negative Impact on Krefeld Electric Cars

VDA Electromobility Ranking: Negative Impact on Krefeld Electric Cars

November 13, 2023 at 4:45 p.m Electromobility : VDA: Krefeld not attractive enough for electric cars Krefeld lands at the bottom of the VDA ranking for e-charging stations. Photo: dpa-tmn/Robert Michael Krefeld Association of the Automotive Industry examines the density of charging points throughout Germany. Im alkteenlu aikRngn zu den t-kt-noeepEaAuudLn ni tlndshDacue esd reVdsbaen … Read more

Siempelkamp Foundry Prepared for Potential Gas Shortage with Innovative Furnace Preheating Methods

Siempelkamp Foundry Prepared for Potential Gas Shortage with Innovative Furnace Preheating Methods

The winter can come. The Krefeld foundry Siempelkamp has just completed its test runs in the event of an emergency where there could be no more gas. Although managing director Georg Geier does not expect another shortage, he is still prepared for the worst case scenario. His employees have practiced how they can preheat their … Read more

Companies and Municipalities Offer to Participate in ‘StromGedacht’ App to Stabilize Electricity Market

Companies and Municipalities Offer to Participate in ‘StromGedacht’ App to Stabilize Electricity Market

Wendlingen/Neckar (dpa/lsw) – The debate about almost everyday electricity shortages, which require the use of reserve power plants or the purchase of electricity from abroad (redispatch), is bearing fruit. According to company boss Werner Götz, the first companies and municipalities at the transmission system operator TransnetBW have offered to participate in the “StromGedacht” app. This … Read more

Saving Energy for the Wallet: The Real Motivator for Climate Protection

Saving Energy for the Wallet: The Real Motivator for Climate Protection

Many save energy not out of love for the climate, but because it is expensive. That’s not bad news, our editor thinks. In the end, climate protection is also about money. The current PwC survey on energy saving in the household reminds us of this essentially unsurprising fact. The vast majority of those surveyed do … Read more