80% of strokes are preventable! Stroke Stroke Stroke | Primary prevention guidelines |

80% of strokes are preventable! Stroke Stroke Stroke | Primary prevention guidelines |

[Guth an Dòchais 9 Samhain, 2024] The American Stroke Association (ASA) recently released a new editionstrokeLevel 1preventguide The instructions say,Up to 80% of strokes are preventable. Therefore, we want it to be actively implementedstrokelevel onepreventmeasures, including better screening and lifestyle changes. The higher risk of stroke in certain groups may be related to genetic factors … Read more

Diagnosis and treatment of stroke, Messina Polyclinic on the front line

Diagnosis and treatment of stroke, Messina Polyclinic on the front line

Prevention and timely treatment. These are the two key words that must most characterize the stroke managementa pathology that affects 13.7 million people around the world every year and for which World Day is celebrated today. Better known in the English-speaking sense as stroke, the stroke is due to the occlusion of cerebral or pre-cerebral … Read more

NRI post – Mantes Hospital

The radiology and neurology services of Mantes en Yvelines are looking for a practitioner qualified to carry out these procedures as part of the launch of the thrombectomy activity in the treatment of ischemic stroke. This activity is part of a priority project carried out by our hospital group “Yvelines Nord” and supported by the … Read more

Study shows that exercise can prevent high blood pressure, how often should you do it?

Study shows that exercise can prevent high blood pressure, how often should you do it?

Jakarta – Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that one in four men and approximately one in five women suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. Ironically, most people are unaware of this condition. So can it be prevented by exercising from a young age? Hypertension is often referred to as the “silent … Read more

Study: Vegetables can block the effects of anticoagulant drugs, here’s the explanation

Study: Vegetables can block the effects of anticoagulant drugs, here’s the explanation

Jakarta – Green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach, are known for their high nutritional content, including fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. However, this vegetable can affect the activity of some medicines. How come? Professor of nutrition and nutrition at Boston University, Joan Salge Blake, explained that green leafy vegetables can block the effects of … Read more

This man had a stroke after a free head massage at the barber

This man had a stroke after a free head massage at the barber

Jakarta – The incident happened to a 30-year-old man in Ballari, Karnataka, India. He suffered a stroke after receiving a free head massage at a barber shop. Quoted from Times of India, this man was initially experiencing severe pain in his head and neck, but he ignored this. His condition worsened a few hours after … Read more

Stroke while driving: Accident near Graz leaves people dead and seriously injured – Austria

Stroke while driving: Accident near Graz leaves people dead and seriously injured – Austria

29.09.2024 09:59 (Akt. 29.09.2024 09:59) The seriously injured driver was flown to the LKH Graz. ©APA (Subject) Tragic accident near Graz: A 71-year-old woman dies after a car accident, apparently caused by her husband having a stroke at the wheel, who was seriously injured. A 71-year-old woman was killed in a traffic accident in St. … Read more

Petr Hannig suffered a stroke. He hardly communicates

Petr Hannig suffered a stroke.  He hardly communicates

The musician Petr Hannig, who found the singer Lucia Bíla (58), is in hospital. He suffered a extreme stroke and the docs even feared the worst. “Mr. Hannig has his weak moments and his good moments. Generally you’ll be able to talk with indicators or utilizing the alphabet. However all the pieces will be totally … Read more

A ‘mini stroke’ headache … Even when the signs disappear, you could get remedy.

A ‘mini stroke’ headache … Even when the signs disappear, you could get remedy.

Minor strokes seem for a short while after which disappear, however as a warning signal of a stroke, particular consideration should be paid to the prevention of strokes by way of drug remedy and life-style administration (Picture = Clip Artwork Korea). Strokes are recognized to happen extra typically in winter, however summer season isn’t all … Read more