Indra Bekti Admitted to Hospital Due to Eyesight, Here Are 4 Stroke Effects on the Eyes

Indra Bekti Admitted to Hospital Due to Eyesight, Here Are 4 Stroke Effects on the Eyes

CNN Indonesia Tuesday, 07 Feb 2023 16:00 WIB Illustration. Indra Bekti had to be admitted to the hospital again due to vision problems due to a ruptured blood vessel some time ago. (istockphoto/Urilux) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Vision Indra Bekti bothered after his blood vessels burst a while ago. This also made Indra Bekti return to … Read more

Watch .. “a consultant” reveals the symptoms of a stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Watch .. “a consultant” reveals the symptoms of a stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Neurologist Dr. Aisha Al-Bakr revealed that one in four people is at risk of stroke, pointing out that taking aspirin may increase the risk of stroke. Aisha Al-Bakr said, during an intervention on the “Rased” program, “One out of four people is at risk of a stroke, and therefore this problem should be … Read more

Bad Effects due to Frequent Consumption of Fried Cabbage

Bad Effects due to Frequent Consumption of Fried Cabbage

Bandung – Fried cabbage is one of the culinary favorites of many people. Fried cabbage is considered as one of the foods to increase the appetite of the Indonesian people. Besides that, cabbage or cabbage is usually eaten by Indonesian people as fresh vegetables or ingredients for soup. Just like other types of vegetables, cabbage … Read more

Do not ignore it.. A sign in your face indicates that you are having a stroke and a heart attack

Do not ignore it.. A sign in your face indicates that you are having a stroke and a heart attack

Al-Marsad newspaper: Doctors revealed that fatty deposits under the skin when the bloodstream contains an excess amount of cholesterol, in addition to that high cholesterol is a common condition that accumulates in the form of plaques in the arteries, which leads to narrowing of them and reducing blood flow, which indicates a heart attack. or … Read more

6 Delicious Drinks to Lower High Blood Pressure

6 Delicious Drinks to Lower High Blood Pressure

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Research shows some drinks lower blood pressure high and supports health heart. So, what are the drinks to lower high blood pressure? When blood pressure is not controlled, it can cause complications such as heart disease and stroke. One of the first lines of defense against high blood pressure or hypertension … Read more

Small Habits That Can Trigger Heart Disease, Don’t Do It Again

Small Habits That Can Trigger Heart Disease, Don’t Do It Again

This habit can actually increase the risk of cardiovascular health problems. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Some people may be used to sprinkling garam addition to the food they are about to eat. Although it can make food taste better, this habit can actually increase the risk of cardiovascular health problems such as heart disease. The relationship … Read more

Discovering famous and cheap fruits that reduce the incidence of stroke • Al Marsad Journal

Discovering famous and cheap fruits that reduce the incidence of stroke • Al Marsad Journal

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts have confirmed that apples and pears reduce the risk of stroke by 11%. And a new study showed that people who ate the most fruits and vegetables were 13 percent less likely to have a stroke, according to the “Express” newspaper. Experts explained that people who ate apples and pears regularly were … Read more

Popular and cheap fruit revealed to reduce stroke risk by 11%

Popular and cheap fruit revealed to reduce stroke risk by 11%

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts have confirmed that apples and pears reduce the risk of stroke by 11%. And a new study showed that people who ate the most fruits and vegetables were 13 percent less likely to have a stroke, according to the “Express” newspaper. Experts explained that people who ate apples and pears regularly were … Read more