Education. Back to school: what’s new in colleges in Strasbourg country

Education. Back to school: what’s new in colleges in Strasbourg country

New principal at Baldung-Grien middle school in Hoerdt The building, in its restructured and updated version, is starting its second school year. Established on September 4, 2023 after two years of hard work it accommodates its 410 students in more spacious, brighter and more functional buildings. A new environment that the new principal, Patricia Karl, … Read more

When Marie-Antoinette arrived in Strasbourg (1/5). The good journey of the little Archduchess of Austria to France

When Marie-Antoinette arrived in Strasbourg (1/5).  The good journey of the little Archduchess of Austria to France

It’s raining. Baron d’Autigny, who organized the arrival of the princess to Strasbourg, might pluck off her wig. Every thing is deliberate in order that the occasion goes as easily as attainable. He’s already fascinated about the night festivities, which won’t happen if the dangerous climate persists. On Could 7, 1770, Antonia, the final daughter … Read more

Statutory. Forward of final Sunday, the RN is sad in Bas-Rhin besides in North Alsace

Statutory.  Forward of final Sunday, the RN is sad in Bas-Rhin besides in North Alsace

It’s estimated that the participation fee at 12 pm in Bas-Rhin is 26.25%, citing the prefecture. That is 2.5 factors greater than within the first spherical on the similar time (23.75%), and virtually 7 factors greater than within the 2nd spherical of the 2022 legislative elections. Dans the Haut-Rhin, participation is up in comparison with … Read more