California declares a state of emergency due to bad weather

California declares a state of emergency due to bad weather

Reuters ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 09:22 California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in the US state due to heavy rains and gusts of wind. More than 95,000 homes in California’s coastal regions are without electricity due to bad weather. Dozens of flights from San Francisco have also been cancelled. Residents of Northern California are advised … Read more

flood images

flood images

At least two people have died in California due to the serious consequences of storms plaguing the western United States. Torrential and heavy rains snowfall to have caused floods and landslides, and left more than 8,000 people without electricity. And the storm isn’t over, as it is now threatening Arkansas and Texas with tornadoes. The … Read more

Heavy rains cause accidents and flooding in San Diego

Heavy rains cause accidents and flooding in San Diego

2023 started with heavy rain, although much needed for Southern California, very dangerous for the streets and highways of San Diego. (NOTICIAS YA).- 2023 started with heavy rain, although much needed for Southern California, very dangerous for the streets and highways of San Diego; causing havoc throughout the region. Heavy rains this weekend caused flooding … Read more

Jeremy Renner, in critical condition: terrible accident with a snowplow

Jeremy Renner, in critical condition: terrible accident with a snowplow

Barcelona. Monday 2 January 2023. 11:38 american actor Jeremy Renner He is in critical condition after suffering a serious accident near his home while he was clearing snow accumulated by the major winter storm that hit the United States in recent days. What do we know? Two-time Oscar-nominated actor, very popular for playing superhero Hawk … Read more

US Winter Storm Elliot Live: Breaking News, Affected States, Deaths, Flight Cancellations & More | to live | Elliot Storm | emergency | New York | United States | Biden | posting lb | tdex | | WORLD

US Winter Storm Elliot Live: Breaking News, Affected States, Deaths, Flight Cancellations & More |  to live |  Elliot Storm |  emergency |  New York |  United States |  Biden |  posting lb |  tdex |  |  WORLD

New York Governor Kathy Hochul prepares a response to potential flooding in the western part of the state following the big winter storm as temperatures rise and snow begins to melt across the region. “As temperatures begin to rise, we are preparing for possible flooding from the snowmelt in Western New York. We have around … Read more

Saudi envoy rescues elderly American woman from snowstorm and reveals her reaction after he refused to accept payment for her care Al Marsad Newspaper

Saudi envoy rescues elderly American woman from snowstorm and reveals her reaction after he refused to accept payment for her care Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Saudi envoy, “Muhammad Al-Sahli”, recounted the details of his contribution to saving an elderly American woman who was stranded in the snowstorm in New York. Al-Sahli said: The incident occurred at half past six in the evening in the city of Buffalo in the state of New York, and the storm was … Read more

Temperatures rising in the United States but the state of emergency remains in New York

Temperatures rising in the United States but the state of emergency remains in New York

First edit: 12/28/2022 – 01:05 Despite forecasts that temperatures in the United States will begin to rise this Tuesday, New York authorities are maintaining a state of emergency after Elliot’s ferocious passage. In Buffalo, the state’s second largest city, authorities continue to search and rescue those affected. Temperatures began to moderate across the east and … Read more

Winter storm hits Buffalo in many places in the United States, and the disaster is as serious as a “war zone” – Xinhua

Original title: Winter storm hits many places in the United States and the disaster in Buffalo is as bad as a “war zone” Many U.S. states have been affected by a large-scale winter storm since Dec. 22. As of the 26th, dozens of people have been killed. Low temperatures, high winds and heavy snows hit … Read more

5 surprising solar storms for 2022

5 surprising solar storms for 2022

Loading… Solar activity is increasing throughout 2022, so there are many extraordinary phenomena related to solar storms. Photo/NASA Goddard JAKARTA – Solar activity is increasing throughout 2022, presenting many related extraordinary phenomena Sun storm . Obviously, come on year 2022 produces many interesting and surprising solar storms. From surprise storms and massive sunspots to vibrant … Read more