Clemens Weiss on his youth in Grefrath and his artistic career

Clemens Weiss on his youth in Grefrath and his artistic career

Clemens Weiss – isn’t that the artist with the glass? Glass and white, two terms that come together. These fragile, stable and transparent glass sculptures, made of layers of mostly found glass, are vividly remembered. Perhaps also because the manufacturing process is so visible: clearly visible traces of the adhesive can be seen where the … Read more

Police stop dangerous lorry on A5 near Freiburg-Sd – Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

Police stop dangerous lorry on A5 near Freiburg-Sd – Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

During a check in a parking lot on the A5 shortly before Freiburg-Sd, the traffic police pulled a road train with huge technical defects off the road on Wednesday. During a check in a parking lot on the A5 shortly before Freiburg-Sd, the traffic police pulled a road train with huge technical defects off the … Read more