Creating additional law study places in MV

Creating additional law study places in MV

In view of the looming shortage of lawyers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the opposition is calling for the urgent creation of additional law school places. All opposition factions in the state parliament are calling for the reintroduction of full-time legal training at the University of Rostock. It had been discontinued in 2008. “The capacities of the … Read more

Bavarian ministries advertise on Tiktok

Bavarian ministries advertise on Tiktok

In the spring of this year, Markus Söder (CSU) was the first German Prime Minister to visit China since the end of the corona pandemic. “We want to have the appropriate balance between our values, but also our interests, and to open up security, understanding, but also economic opportunities for our own people,” he said … Read more

School project Scora: Fighting anti-Semitism with education and encounters

School project Scora: Fighting anti-Semitism with education and encounters

A school project in Baden-Württemberg is making waves: Scora. It is against anti-Semitism and racism and focuses on understanding and personal contacts between students from Germany, Israel, India and the USA. The praise from Talya Lador-Fresher, the Israeli Consul General in southern Germany, was effusive. There are “wonderful projects” against hatred and exclusion, the diplomat … Read more

Bangkok is a city in Bavaria

Bangkok is a city in Bavaria

Marie knew before she started her studies that she would spend a semester abroad. That’s why the 23-year-old decided to go to Munich’s Ludwig Maximilian University. “There are simply the most travel opportunities here,” says the business student. She wanted to go as far away as possible; Europe wasn’t an option. She decided on Bangkok … Read more