Crisis team informs about the corona situation in Lower Saxony | – news

Crisis team informs about the corona situation in Lower Saxony | – news

Status: 01.03.2021 7:44 p.m. In Lower Saxony, the number of corona infections is stagnating, in some cases they are even rising again. How does the state government react? The crisis team reported on the situation on Tuesday. The head of the crisis team, Heiger Scholz, or his deputy Claudia Schröder will provide information on current … Read more

This is how the state government is advised in the Corona crisis | – News – Schleswig-Holstein

This is how the state government is advised in the Corona crisis | – News – Schleswig-Holstein

Status: 01.03.2021 8:20 p.m. Schleswig-Holstein’s state government is advising ten scientists during the corona pandemic. Their different disciplines lead to different approaches. by Andreas Schmidt It’s a magical moment when the morning sun comes through between the houses. Then it bathes the still frosted lawn of the Wacholderpark in Hamburg in a glittering golden light. … Read more

Corona news for Thuringia from February 25: Demo against pandemic requirements remains prohibited

Corona news for Thuringia from February 25: Demo against pandemic requirements remains prohibited

Thuringia | Catering Union Urges Openings Schedule The food-pleasure-restaurants union (NGG) in Thuringia is pushing again for a reliable schedule for the reopening of the establishments. Managing director Jens Löbel said that the hospitality industry is experiencing a historically unique crisis that is also affecting employees with full force. Löbel referred to the guest numbers … Read more

Live: State government informs about the current corona situation | – news

Live: State government informs about the current corona situation | – news

Status: February 15, 2021 8:30 p.m. The Corona crisis team again informed on Tuesday about the development of the pandemic in Lower Saxony. will broadcast the press conference live from 1 p.m. After the presentation of the new Corona regulation last Friday, the focus should be on the current figures again this time. How … Read more

The remuneration of the supervisory board of a sports club is not subject to sales tax

The remuneration of the supervisory board of a sports club is not subject to sales tax

10.02.2021 If a member of the supervisory board of a sports club receives remuneration for his work, this is not subject to sales tax. This was decided by the 8th Senate of the Cologne Finance Court in its judgment of November 26, 2020 published today (8 K 2333/18). As a member of the supervisory board … Read more

Christmas in times of the corona pandemic

Christmas in times of the corona pandemic

In times when we have to stick together at a distance, Prime Minister Malu Dreyer turns in her podcast format “Malu Dreyer direkt. News from the Prime Minister “Directly to the people of the Rhineland-Palatinate. The Prime Minister uses the format at a time when direct encounters with citizens are very limited. The podcast of … Read more

Corona: further restrictions necessary – new regulation announced for Tuesday -Woidke: “We have to save lives”

Specified version dated December 13, 2020, 6.30 p.m., for items 6 and 7 published on December 13th, 2020 A so-called hard lockdown is necessary nationwide to contain the corona pandemic. The Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK) and Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on this today. At a subsequent press conference in Potsdam, Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar said … Read more

Report from the cabinet meeting on December 6, 2020

Report from the cabinet meeting on December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020 Council of Ministers adopts further measures to contain the corona pandemic The measures taken so far by the state government for Bavaria to contain the corona pandemic have not yet led to a noticeable drop in the number of infections across the country. Rather, there are still strong, diffuse infections with numerous … Read more

François Rebello wants to launch a night rail link to New York

François Rebello wants to launch a night rail link to New York

A former deputy and close to François Legault converted into tourism now wants to launch a night train service between Montreal and New York. François Rebello slammed the door of the Parti Québécois in 2012 to join the Coalition d’avenir Québec led by François Legault. Seven years later, the elected official turned entrepreneur wanted to … Read more

State government advises corona situation and economic aid | – news

State government advises corona situation and economic aid | – news

Status: 10/27/2020 5:03 a.m. In view of the increasing number of corona cases, concern is growing in the state government. Today the cabinet decides the new warning levels and new aids for job security. by Stefan Ludmann, NDR 1 Radio MV Aktuell The red-black state government is again advising on the current corona situation this … Read more