Politicians, very private: Visiting Markus Wallner in Frastanz: Corona quarantine, piano and the mountains – Vorarlberg state election –

Politicians, very private: Visiting Markus Wallner in Frastanz: Corona quarantine, piano and the mountains – Vorarlberg state election –

Videos provided by the video platform of the “Austria Press Agency” (APA). Third party providers through whom live blogs from the “Austria Press Agency” (APA) are embedded. Live tickers, data centers and graphics for sporting events or elections provided by the “Austria Press Agency” (APA). Live tickers, data centers and graphics for sporting events or … Read more

More than 100 ballot papers from Dresden manipulated

More than 100 ballot papers from Dresden manipulated

In Dresden, investigations are underway following the state election on suspicion of electoral fraud. More than 100 ballot papers were manipulated. After the state election in Saxony, the police in Dresden have launched an investigation into manipulated ballot papers. According to the police, unknown persons had covered up the crosses on several postal ballot papers … Read more

GDR Cinema: Defa Foundation: The Cross in the Right Place

GDR Cinema: Defa Foundation: The Cross in the Right Place

Love instead of hate: Actor Jaecki Schwarz filming a crime thriller Photo: dpa/Hendrik Schmidt “You don’t hear much good about this person,” says actress Jenny Gröllmann in her role as Margot Kunze. Jaecki Schwarz, who played her husband Dieter at the time, reacts in the DEFA feature film “Isabel on the Stairs” with the words: … Read more

Joint election appeal by GEW, State Student Council and State Parents Council · Leipziger Zeitung

Joint election appeal by GEW, State Student Council and State Parents Council · Leipziger Zeitung

Under the motto “Democracy needs education – education needs democracy”, the education union GEW Saxony, the State Student Council and the State Parents’ Council presented their joint election appeal for the state election on Wednesday, August 14, in Dresden. They expect state politicians in particular to strengthen democracy education and provide more support for students, … Read more

After more than 20 years: Member of Parliament Kati Engel leaves the Left Party

After more than 20 years: Member of Parliament Kati Engel leaves the Left Party

Shortly before the state elections on September 1, the Left Party’s MP Kati Engel resigned from the party. A spokesman for the state association confirmed that Engel had announced her resignation by email. On Facebook, the 42-year-old from West Thuringia wrote that she had decided to take this step in connection with investigations into another … Read more

What do the parties’ election manifestos say about education? · Leipziger Zeitung

What do the parties’ election manifestos say about education? · Leipziger Zeitung

Who is actually supposed to read all these election manifestos, which are sometimes confusing, in order to make an informed decision? We have taken a look at the manifestos and seen what the parties are actually planning to do with regard to their ideas on school education. It is not possible to analyze everything here, … Read more

Remembering Frieder Birzele: A Tribute to a Long-Time Committed Social Democrat and Politician

Remembering Frieder Birzele: A Tribute to a Long-Time Committed Social Democrat and Politician

State Chairman Andreas Stoch and Secretary General Sascha Binder explain the death of Frieder Birzele: The death of Frieder Birzele fills us with deep sadness. We express our heartfelt condolences to his family and relatives and wish him a lot of strength for the coming time. We are losing a long-time companion, a convinced social … Read more

Mizoram Assembly Elections: Date of counting of votes shifted to December 4

Mizoram Assembly Elections: Date of counting of votes shifted to December 4

New Delhi: The counting of votes for the Mizoram assembly elections has been postponed to December 4. This is in a situation where various Christian organizations and the Congress have demanded that the counting of votes on Sunday be postponed. Counting of votes in other states will take place on Sunday itself. Exit polls predict … Read more

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Mocks Rahul Gandhi as ‘King of Fools’ at Betul Public Meeting

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Mocks Rahul Gandhi as ‘King of Fools’ at Betul Public Meeting

Betul: Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Congress leader Rahul Gandhi ‘king of fools’. He was addressing a public meeting at Betul in Madhya Pradesh. Narendra Modi was reacting to Rahul Gandhi’s speech addressing a rally in Madhya Pradesh the other day. Rahul Gandhi said that the phones in people’s pockets are made in China and … Read more

CDU Offenbach’s Proposal for a Mobile Police Station to Enhance Citizen Safety and Engagement

CDU Offenbach’s Proposal for a Mobile Police Station to Enhance Citizen Safety and Engagement

The CDU Offenbach wants to send a “mobile police station” through the city to offer citizens advice and information on their doorstep. The Union has submitted a corresponding application to the city council. In addition to providing information, the city police’s offer is also intended to increase citizens’ subjective sense of security through more presence … Read more