It lives at a depth of 2,600 meters.

A new and mysterious inhabitant has been discovered in the deep sea near Australia and New Zealand. It is about the Australasian narrow-nosed ghostfisha creature that has been hidden under the waves and until recently was confused with a common species found throughout the world. However, after a series of recent studies, scientists have determined … Read more

The “Internet of Animals” will change our understanding of nature

The “Internet of Animals” will change our understanding of nature

Tracking and documenting life on our planet To collect data for the Internet of Animals, tiny solar-powered tracking devices are being attached to a variety of creatures and natural landscapes, such as glaciers and ocean plastic. Some of these devices even weigh less than a paper clip. The tags will be used to track thousands … Read more

Wassim Yousef Reveals Battle with Rare Sarcoma Cancer

Wassim Yousef Reveals Battle with Rare Sarcoma Cancer

Al-Marsad newspaper: Emirati preacher Wassim Yousef revealed the type of cancer he suffered from, stressing that it is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. Wassim Youssef said in a video clip: “The doctor called me while I was arranging to travel, and he said I want you in the office, so I went … Read more

It delays aging and reduces the risk of diabetes.. Discovering the 5 types of tea that are most beneficial to health

It delays aging and reduces the risk of diabetes.. Discovering the 5 types of tea that are most beneficial to health

Al-Marsad newspaper: Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It not only quenches thirst, but it also has many beneficial properties. There are many types of tea, and according to experts, the most beneficial types of tea for health are: 1 – Hibiscus tea (Gujarat tea), a tea made from dried … Read more

Scientists Discover New Dinosaur Species Named Farlowichnus Rapidus

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Brazilian geological agency on Thursday American time or Friday, November 24 2023 WIB, announced the species dinosaur new, fast animals that lived in the deserts of the early Cretaceous period. The new species, called Farlowichnus rapidus, was a small carnivore about the size of a modern seriema bird, or about 60-90 … Read more

Invasive Red Fire Ants Found in Europe: Threatening the Continent’s Ecosystems

Invasive Red Fire Ants Found in Europe: Threatening the Continent’s Ecosystems

Jakarta – Red fire ants move towards Sicily, Italy. This is the first sighting of the invasive species in Europe. If these South American insects continue to spread like they have elsewhere, experts fear they could take over the entire continent. Currently, the red fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is the world’s fifth most expensive invasive … Read more

6 Rarely Known Dinosaur Species: Pachycephalosaurus, Dreadnoughtus schrani, Velociraptor, Ankylosaurus, Compsognathus, Therizinosaurus

6 Rarely Known Dinosaur Species: Pachycephalosaurus, Dreadnoughtus schrani, Velociraptor, Ankylosaurus, Compsognathus, Therizinosaurus

Jakarta – What would the Detikers think of when asked what dinosaur species you know? Maybe some will answer Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) or Brontosaurus. Yes, both of them are indeed the most famous dinosaur species and are often featured in films such as Jurassic Park. But in fact, there are hundreds of lesser-known species of … Read more

The Role of Fruits in the Diabetic Diet: Insights from Harvard University Expert

The Role of Fruits in the Diabetic Diet: Insights from Harvard University Expert

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Osama Hamdi, Professor of Internal Medicine and Diabetes at Harvard University, explained that diabetics are allowed all kinds of fruits, but within limits. “Hamdi” said, during an interview with him for the “Nazra” program, via the “Sada Al-Balad” satellite channel, that the fructose “sugar” present in fruits is harmless, especially in the … Read more

Al-Bukayriyah Date Market: Daily Sales Volume Reaches 4 Million Riyals

Al-Bukayriyah Date Market: Daily Sales Volume Reaches 4 Million Riyals

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A seller in the date market in Al-Bukayriyah Governorate revealed the daily sales volume in the market, which amounts to 4 million riyals per day. The seller indicated, during a report by Al-Ikhbaria, that the market is witnessing a great demand from buyers and a variety of different types of dates. The seller … Read more

The Effect of Valve Problems on the Heart Muscle

The Effect of Valve Problems on the Heart Muscle

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Consultant cardiologist, Dr. Munawar Al-Enezi, revealed the effect of the valve on the heart muscle. Al-Enezi said, during a tweet that he posted on his account on the “X” platform: Valve problems are mainly evaluated in light of their effect on the heart muscle, including narrowing or regurgitation of the valve. A defect … Read more