Education: Woidke is not aiming for a Pisa Prime Minister’s Conference

Education: Woidke is not aiming for a Pisa Prime Minister’s Conference

Brandenburg’s head of government Dietmar Woidke (SPD), after the poor results of German students in the Pisa study, sees the education ministers first in line. “The current Pisa results and thus the status of the education system at schools in Germany must first be seriously discussed at the level of the responsible state departments in … Read more

Education: Lack of daycare places: State parliament approves flexible solutions

Education: Lack of daycare places: State parliament approves flexible solutions

In the future, daycare providers in Baden-Württemberg will be able to decide for themselves to temporarily relax staffing requirements – i.e. to reduce the number of educators per group. He approved a corresponding bill Parliament on Wednesday with the majority of votes from the Greens, CDU and FDP. The SPD and AfD voted against it. … Read more

Beginning of self-awareness: The Chancellor seems to have understood

Beginning of self-awareness: The Chancellor seems to have understood

It’s easy to scoff at the traffic light coalition at the moment. Who is at fault… The ruling on the application of the debt brake from Karlsruhe came from Olaf Scholz’s government like what economists call an exogenous shock, i.e. an external event that suddenly and unexpectedly changes reality permanently. The Tagesspiegel app Current news, … Read more

Claudia Jäger: First Woman Director of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Regional Association

Claudia Jäger: First Woman Director of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Regional Association

Rhein-Main ⋅ Claudia Jäger will be the first woman to take up office as director of the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main regional association on March 1st next year. On Wednesday, the 58-year-old CDU politician, who has been at the head of the Offenbach district for 25 years, first as an alderman and since 2004 as first alderman, was … Read more

Decriminalization of Fare Evasion in Hessian Cities: A Survey by FAZ

Decriminalization of Fare Evasion in Hessian Cities: A Survey by FAZ

WIf you are caught on buses, trams or subways without a ticket, you will still have to face criminal charges in most Hessian cities. A survey by the FAZ has shown that apparently no major municipality wants to follow the example of the state capital. There, the ruling alliance of the Greens, SPD, Left and … Read more

Chic hairstyle: This is how much money the government spends on styling

Chic hairstyle: This is how much money the government spends on styling

The government coalition ministers and state secretaries spent a lot of money on their styling in 2023. A list shows the extent. To what extent does it increase? Federal Government Services related to external beauty? This question was answered by the ministers of the traffic light coalition, summarized in one published preliminary version. The small … Read more

The Influence of SPD in German Organized Sports: Debates and Criticisms

The Influence of SPD in German Organized Sports: Debates and Criticisms

DFB President Bernd Neuendorf (l.) with Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) at the World Cup in Qatar in 2022. Neuendordf is also an SPD member. (IMAGO / Sven Simon / IMAGO / Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON) Is there a “social democratic hegemony in organized German sport”, as the online portal “Übermedien” recently suspected? … Read more

The Federal Government’s Commissioner for Integration criticizes divisive tone in asylum debate

The Federal Government’s Commissioner for Integration criticizes divisive tone in asylum debate

The Federal Government’s Commissioner for Integration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, meanwhile complained about the tone in the asylum debate. “A tone that is becoming increasingly sharp and populist, as well as presenting new pseudo-solutions every day, is dividing our society into “The Others” and “We,” said the SPD politician to the Editorial Network Germany (RND). It is … Read more

Warning: Massive Cuts to Voluntary Services for People with Disabilities – Disabled Aid Offenbach

Warning: Massive Cuts to Voluntary Services for People with Disabilities – Disabled Aid Offenbach

The Disabled Aid Offenbach warns of the federal government’s plans to make massive cuts to voluntary services. The cuts meant that services for people with disabilities would have to be severely restricted. In the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP there was talk of strengthening voluntary services, but in 2024, according … Read more

CDU Accuses Offenbach Traffic Light Coalition of Misinterpreting Mobile City Police Station Proposal

CDU Accuses Offenbach Traffic Light Coalition of Misinterpreting Mobile City Police Station Proposal

Offenbach ⋅ The CDU Offenbach accuses the traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP in the Offenbach city council of negligently or intentionally misinterpreting the Union’s proposal for a mobile city police station. In doing so, the coalition wants to generate an opportunity to criticize the incumbent black-green state government. The Offenbach coalition rejected … Read more