NASA rover reveals ‘something no one has ever seen’ inside rock on Mars (PHOTOS)–19763143.html NASA rover reveals ‘something no one has ever seen’ inside rock on Mars (PHOTOS) NASA rover reveals ‘something no one has ever seen’ inside rock on Mars (PHOTOS) NASA’s Perseverance rover has begun exploring a series of rocks formed in layers in the Martian crater of Jezero, which may have been formed in water… … Read more

Researchers from the Czech Republic have confirmed the existence of strange sigma-holes. Until now, only theory has known them – ČT24 – Czech Television

According to the academy, the X-ray structures of halogen-bonded crystals have so far indirectly indicated the existence of a sigma hole. These revealed the surprising fact that the chemically bonded halogen atoms of one molecule and the nitrogen or oxygen atoms of the other molecule that should be repelled are in close proximity and thus … Read more

Lucy flies to Jupiter, he will study its asteroids for twelve years – ČT24 – Czech Television

The AFP agency wrote that there are about seven thousand Trojans, as the asteroids orbiting Jupiter are called. They orbit the Sun in two groups, one in front of and the other behind Jupiter. “What is most surprising about the Trojans is how they differ from each other, especially in color – some are gray, … Read more

probe to study “Trojan” asteroids on Jupiter

NASA launched an unprecedented mission this Saturday (16) to study Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids, two large clumps of space rock that scientists believe are remnants of material that formed outer planets in the Solar System. The space probe, nicknamed Lucy and packed inside a special cargo pod, according to news reported by Brazil agency, took off … Read more

Something inexplicable is happening on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. It could be underwater life, says the study – ČT24 – Czech Television

Observations of this probe showed that Enceladus has an inner liquid ocean. And an analysis of the Cassini data found that clouds of water ice were hovering over its south pole. It comes from the so-called cryovolcanism – ice is ejected by dozens of geysers, caused by hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. … Read more

ESA will send a probe to Venus to find out why it is inhospitable and not like Earth

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected the spacecraft it intends to send to Venus in the early 1930s. The chosen EnVision apparatus will examine the planet from the core to the upper atmosphere to find out how and why Venus and Earth evolved so differently, the agency announced on its website on Thursday. ESA … Read more

The US spacecraft Perseverance landed on Mars. It is already sending the first pictures – ČT24 – Czech Television

“In the first phase, NASA is pushing a policy that all data that is collected is freely available. So anyone on the planet has the opportunity to download photos of chemical rock measurements. Everything that the probe finds out will sooner or later appear on the Internet, “Brož pointed out. According to the scientist, the … Read more

The Perseverance spacecraft will experience seven minutes of terror as it descends to Mars. Then she should look for traces of life there – ČT24 – Czech Television

Last week, the United Arab Emirates’ Amal spacecraft was first launched into orbit around Mars on Wednesday, which will explore the planet only from a height. The next day, the Chinese Tian-Wen spacecraft did the same, which will also launch a reconnaissance vehicle to the surface in May. Although Perseverance will use the experience of … Read more

The capsule from Chang 5 landed on Earth. It brought the first samples of lunar rocks since the 1970s – ČT24 – Czech Television

The capsule will be sought by several helicopters as well as ground teams. However, the area is relatively well known because it served as the landing site of the Chinese spaceship Shenzhou. The capsule is expected to have transported about two kilograms of lunar rock to Earth. The probe obtained the samples both by drilling … Read more