China’s New Ten-Dash Line: A Provocative Move Towards Okinawa

China’s New Ten-Dash Line: A Provocative Move Towards Okinawa

Showing his true nature obsessed with recovering lost ground, he will definitely aim for Okinawa next time. September 3, 2023 (Sunday) Rumi Tan Follow Follow up President Xi Jinping (Photo: Xinhua/Aflo) Go to gallery page (Tan Lumei: Writer) A new map that claims a new ten-dash line On August 28, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources … Read more

China’s Controversial Maps and Protests from Multiple Countries

China’s Controversial Maps and Protests from Multiple Countries

Jakarta – China released a new map annexing the disputed territory. This then creates a commotion. Known the latest maps China this includes claims to parts of the maritime area of ​​Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) near Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam. Several countries expressed their protest against the latest map … Read more

China’s Latest Map News and Indonesia’s Position According to UNCLOS 1982

China’s Latest Map News and Indonesia’s Position According to UNCLOS 1982

Jakarta – Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi opened up about China’s latest map news that includes claims to parts of the maritime territory of Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) near Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam. Retno said Indonesia’s position was consistent with referring to the United Nations Convention on … Read more

China’s Construction of Airstrip on Tritron Island in South China Sea: Satellite Photos

China’s Construction of Airstrip on Tritron Island in South China Sea: Satellite Photos

Jakarta – Satellite photos reveal that China seems to be building an airstrip on the island South China Sea named Tritron. The island is still disputed and also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. As quoted detikINET from the Associated Press, work on Triton Island is concurrent with construction on seven other nearby man-made islands, which … Read more

US Aircraft Carrier Visits Vietnam Amid Rising Tensions in South China Sea: Upgrade in US-Vietnam Relations

US Aircraft Carrier Visits Vietnam Amid Rising Tensions in South China Sea: Upgrade in US-Vietnam Relations

USS Ronald Reagan Makes Rare Stop in Vietnam Amid Rising Tensions in South China Sea June 23, 2023 – In a move that highlights Washington’s efforts to upgrade formal ties with Hanoi, the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan will make a rare stop in Vietnam on June 25. The central port city of … Read more

Shangri-La Dialogue: US-China Tensions and Taiwan Take Center Stage

Shangri-La Dialogue: US-China Tensions and Taiwan Take Center Stage

The Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual gathering of defense ministers and military officials from around the world held in Singapore, has once again highlighted tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan. In his address to the conference, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe criticized the US for its support of Taiwan, calling it the most … Read more

“Indian Navy joins ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise 2023 in South China Sea”

“Indian Navy joins ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise 2023 in South China Sea”

India Joins Hands With ASEAN In South China Sea For Naval Exercise AIME-2023 India has sent its navy ships to the South China Sea to take part in ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME) on May 2, 2023. It marks India’s debut cooperation with ASEAN Organisation. AIME-2023 aims to expand military ties between India and the Association … Read more

“Harris says PH-US relations ‘stronger than ever’ | ABS-CBN News”

“Harris says PH-US relations ‘stronger than ever’ | ABS-CBN News”

US Vice President Kamala Harris met with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Washington D.C., stating that the relationship between the Philippines and the US is stronger than ever. The meeting focused on mutual prosperity and security, with Marcos emphasizing the importance of strengthening the relationship between both countries amid rising tensions in the world, … Read more

“China’s Potential ‘Four-Front Warfare’ Dilemma in Potential Attack on Taiwan”

“China’s Potential ‘Four-Front Warfare’ Dilemma in Potential Attack on Taiwan”

Recently, the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has changed drastically. The CCP is different from the previous policy of “peaceful exchanges and remote unification”.It pointed out that China and Taiwan may be facing a “quasi-war brink” of tension. In this regard, the Chinese military column “Oriental Point of Soldiers” also pointed out … Read more

According to an expert, trade partnerships diminish the possibility of war between nations.

According to an expert, trade partnerships diminish the possibility of war between nations.

Boosting trade between China, the Philippines, and other neighboring countries is seen as a potential solution to defuse tensions concerning the West Philippine Sea. According to a speech by Dr. Rommel Banlaoi at an online forum, a study conducted by Stanford University showed that the more trading partners a country has, the less likely it … Read more