SYRIZA and the psychological limit of 31 MPs – 2024-09-01 15:45:32

SYRIZA and the psychological limit of 31 MPs
 – 2024-09-01 15:45:32

The leadership group of Koumoundourou is attempting a plan to appease “apsy” Pavlos Polakis with the deletion of Athena Linou in the wake of the stormy meeting of the K.O. of SYRIZA where the absolute division of its members prevailed. The slim majority obtained by the Kasselakis proposal for the replacement of Sokratis Famellos by … Read more

SYRIZA: Why Kasselakis replaced Sokratis Famellos with Nikos Pappa – 2024-08-28 13:16:49

SYRIZA: Why Kasselakis replaced Sokratis Famellos with Nikos Pappa
 – 2024-08-28 13:16:49

By allying with Nikos Pappas and further strengthening his presence in the internal party system, Stefanos Kasselakis attempts to overcome the intense internal party controversy. His decision to appoint the previous parliamentary representative, head of the Parliamentary Group it is a clear indication that he is looking for supports in the party. The former minister … Read more

SYRIZA: Famellos is not resigning – The changes in the KO are up for a vote – 2024-08-28 04:29:55

SYRIZA: Famellos is not resigning – The changes in the KO are up for a vote
 – 2024-08-28 04:29:55

Kasselaki’s proposals for changes to the organizational structure of SYRIZA’s KO go to a vote. From the floor of the meeting, the current president of the KO of SYRIZA, Sokratis Famellos, said, among other things, that he is not resigning, so the members of the KO will decide. According to information, the deputies will first … Read more

The Kasselakis proposal was passed in the SYRIZA Committee – The correlations and what preceded it – 2024-08-27 23:46:35

The Kasselakis proposal was passed in the SYRIZA Committee – The correlations and what preceded it
 – 2024-08-27 23:46:35

The episodic meeting of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group ended shortly after 11 pm on Tuesday with Stefanos Kasselakis, who participated online from Chania, anointing the party’s number two Nikos Pappa, giving him the role of the head of the Parliamentary Group. However, the Kasselakis suggestion provoked the reaction of the former head of the Parliamentary … Read more

Famellos-Tsambazi: The post about their relationship and their appeal to Justice – 2024-08-25 12:55:43

Famellos-Tsambazi: The post about their relationship and their appeal to Justice
 – 2024-08-25 12:55:43

They announced to the Court that Sokratis Famellos and Dora Tsambazi will appeal, on the occasion of a post from an anonymous account on X that said they were in a relationship and were on summer vacation at Efi Ahtsioglou’s vacation home. Specifically, the post stated: “Famellos did not allocate a single euro for the … Read more