Dust storm causes crash involving at least 10 vehicles in Madera

Dust storm causes crash involving at least 10 vehicles in Madera

Read transcript presenter: big stormDust hit the middle of the valley.what’s up say helloDavid Ibarra we have you coveredas a team with Aranza. usThey have detailed information about situationslike today.reporter: how are you?good afternoon david,late 13 vehicleswas involved in thiscarambola, there are vehiclessmall to high. threepeople were hurt andThey had to be moved toto repentance … Read more

The new life expectancy factor was published – This is how pensions work –

The new life expectancy factor was published – This is how pensions work

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health confirmed the life expectancy coefficient for occupational pensions for the year 2025. In practice, the decrease in the life expectancy factor cuts old-age pensions according to the occupational pension laws for the 62-year-old, retiring age group, by 5.241 percent. TIINA SOMERPURO The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health … Read more

An unsuspecting child was playing on the floor in China – Soon he felt movement inside his shirt –

An unsuspecting child was playing on the floor in China – Soon he felt movement inside his shirt

Foreign countries Two Chinese girls were playing on the shop floor when suddenly a rat crawled inside the shirt of another. The situation was recorded on the store’s surveillance camera. The terrified girl tried to get the rat out of her shirt, but luckily she got help in the end. Camera one #unsuspecting #child #playing … Read more

Is your spouse in the role of a child in a relationship? This is how you recognize a harmful phenomenonRelationships17:07 –

Is your spouse in the role of a child in a relationship? This is how you recognize a harmful phenomenonRelationships17:07

Is your spouse in the role of a child in a relationship? This is how you recognize a harmful phenomenonRelationships17:07 #spouse #role #child #relationship #recognize #harmful #phenomenonRelationships1707

Why did they illuminate the clock tower in Cartagena with the Turkish flag?

Why did they illuminate the clock tower in Cartagena with the Turkish flag?

Many locals and tourists were amazed last Tuesday, October 29, when they saw the lighting of the clock tower in Cartagena, Bolívar, with the colors of the Turkish flag. What many did not know was to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the proclamation as the Republic of Türkiye, which occurred in 1923 and was led … Read more

Anneli Ilmonen has died –

Anneli Ilmonen has died

Anneli Ilmonen, the long-time director of the Tampere Art Museum, has died. Anneli Ilmonen has died at the age of 84. Photo from 2002. Heikki Saukkomaa, Lehtikuva Long-time director of the Tampere Art Museum Anneli Ilmonen has died. Tampere Art Museum informs about it. Ilmonen was 84 years old when he died. Born in 1940, … Read more

Jere and Nanna Karalahti’s divorce is final –

Jere and Nanna Karalahti’s divorce is final

According to Seiska, Jere and Nanna Karalahti have been sentenced to divorce in June. Nanna Karalahti and Jere Karahti photographed in 2019. Pasi Liesimaa The divorce of wellness coach Nanna Karalahti and former ice hockey player Jere Karalahti is final. Seiska reported on the matter. The matter was confirmed to the newspaper by the district … Read more

Many women fall into something in a relationship that shouldn’t be done – The reason can be found in childhood Relationships 24.10. 18:16 –

Many women fall into something in a relationship that shouldn’t be done – The reason can be found in childhood Relationships 24.10. 18:16

Many women fall into something in a relationship that shouldn’t be done – The reason can be found in childhood Relationships 24.10. 18:16 #women #fall #relationship #shouldnt #reason #childhood #Relationships

Norway wants to ban social media from the youngest – At this age you could get there –

Norway wants to ban social media from the youngest – At this age you could get there

Norwegian studies have shown that more than half of 9-year-olds use social media services. The law change is not yet in force, but the government wants to send a strong signal to parents that the age limit will be raised. TIINA SOMERPURO Norway plans to raise the social media age from 13 to 15. Prime … Read more