What is the March 23rd demonstration route for the procession in Paris?

What is the March 23rd demonstration route for the procession in Paris?

New course for the 9th day of inter-union mobilization. At the call of the inter-union CGT, CFDT, FO, Sud Solidaires, CFE-CGC, CFTC, FSU, UNSA, and the high school and student unions FIDL, Voix LycĂ©enne, UNL, UNEF, FAGE and MNL, a new demonstration against the pension reform is scheduled for Thursday, March 23 in Paris. Between … Read more

VIDEO – “He’s not breathing”: Cold-blooded firefighter saves baby’s life by phone

VIDEO – “He’s not breathing”: Cold-blooded firefighter saves baby’s life by phone

In the Beauvais call center (Oise), that day, among the 700 calls received daily, that of a panicked mother. “Hello sir, this is my two-month-old baby boy who is all blue. He is no longer breathing, he is all blue…”, she explains in awe. Immediately, the firefighter on the phone calls in an emergency team … Read more

Pension reform: municipal police officers on strike for 24 hours in Strasbourg

Pension reform: municipal police officers on strike for 24 hours in Strasbourg

Why a local movement? Because “with our colleagues, we realized that at the national level, the trade unions were not doing enough”, told AFP Thiebault Parre, spokesperson for the inter-union. The strikers want the integration of the function bonus in the calculation of pension rights, but also to be able to benefit from a special … Read more

Transport, school, work: how the strike disrupted the day of the French

Transport, school, work: how the strike disrupted the day of the French

For many French people, this day is far from a usual Tuesday. It’s 11 a.m. in Brest, and instead of being at school closed for strike, Catharina and Olivia are playing cards at home. And Virginie, she will not be able to follow her training. Many have no other choice but to stay at home … Read more

Strike of January 31: the course of the demonstration in Paris revealed, the circulation “strongly disturbed”

Strike of January 31: the course of the demonstration in Paris revealed, the circulation “strongly disturbed”

The veil is gradually lifting on the second day of mobilization against the pension reform. Tuesday, January 31, the French are called by the eight main unions to march in the streets to protest against the government bill, which provides in particular for a postponement of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years. … Read more

Covid-19: isolation, work stoppages… what changes on February 1

Covid-19: isolation, work stoppages… what changes on February 1

From February 1, the computerized monitoring of positive cases and contact cases will also evolve. The recording of positive test results in the SI-DEP computer file will now be “conditional on obtaining the prior consent of the persons concerned“, until the end of this epidemic monitoring tool, scheduled for the end of June 2023. The … Read more

Pension reform: new mobilization this Saturday in Paris, supported by France Insoumise

Pension reform: new mobilization this Saturday in Paris, supported by France Insoumise

Thursday evening, after “the greatest social mobilization for 20 years”their leader made an appointment “Saturday for the march of January 21”. This demonstration, decided and announced at the beginning of December, “is not my walk”insisted the former presidential candidate last week, but “that of ten youth organisations” – including several formations of the united left … Read more