This is why non-smokers get lung cancer

This is why non-smokers get lung cancer

Jakarta – Smoking is one of the main risk factors for lung cancer. However, it does not rule out the possibility that lung cancer can occur in someone who has never smoked. A woman in England, Sally Hall, experienced terminal lung cancer even though she was not a smoker. The 66-year-old woman was unaware of … Read more

Those who sell alcohol to minors will be punished even with imprisonment –

Those who sell alcohol to minors will be punished even with imprisonment

Stricter penalties for those who supply alcohol, electronic cigarettes and vaping devices to minors are provided for in a new bill which will be submitted to the Parliament very shortly. The decision was taken in a meeting attended by the Minister of Citizen Protection Michalis Chrysochoidis, the Minister of Justice Giorgos Floridis, the Minister of … Read more

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

Poor diet, prolonged sitting time, risk of rectal cancer input 2024.11.08 14:08 input 2024.11.08 14:08correction 2024.11.08 14:46 Views 1,873 Symptoms of colon cancer include 1) Changes in bowel habits, such as sudden difficulty passing stool or changes in the frequency of bowel movements 2) Diarrhea, constipation, an uncomfortable feeling as if stool remains after defecation … Read more

Methods that can be used to diagnose and treat infertility and uterine diseases are:

Methods that can be used to diagnose and treat infertility and uterine diseases are:

Hidoc Medical Reporter Jiyoung Lee, DirectorㅣSource: HidocAnyone struggling with infertility has probably heard of hysteroscopic treatment at least once. Hysteroscope is an abbreviation for hysteroscopy. A camera and light source are attached to a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervix. Because it is a medical device that allows … Read more

Knee that is not regenerating, what are the symptoms that should not delay surgery?

Knee that is not regenerating, what are the symptoms that should not delay surgery?

Once the knee is damaged, it does not regenerate naturally. Sometimes, people may have the complacent thought, ‘If I have a problem with my knee, wouldn’t it be okay to have surgery?’ However, there are limits to the ability to treat knees with various treatments, including surgery. Even if an artificial joint is inserted, the … Read more

“I need to go on a diet” even though I only have bones… Why are people like this?

“I need to go on a diet” even though I only have bones… Why are people like this?

Body image affects mental health… focus on body function rather than appearance input 2024.10.22 11:30 input 2024.10.22 11:30 Views 374 If you’re serious about dieting even if you’re ‘bone dry’, you should look into the mental health risks caused by poor body image. [사진=클립아트코리아]Even with slim bodies, there are quite a few people who are … Read more

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

toothCanada’s University of Waterloo research team builds large-scale computer modeltoothFor breakfast, a diet rich in carbohydrates is appropriate for men and fat-rich for women.toothWomen metabolize fat more efficiently than menBreakfast is considered one of the important factors that determine the metabolic health of modern people. What you eat as your first meal after waking up … Read more

What are the factors that increase the risk of premature birth? [건강톡톡]

What are the factors that increase the risk of premature birth? [건강톡톡]

When a woman becomes pregnant, the fetus grows within the uterus for approximately 40 weeks. During this period, the fetus forms the structure of the body and grows with the functions necessary to sustain life. However, there are cases where the child is born early without completing the full pregnancy period, and this is called … Read more

Even if you sleep too much or not enough…if you do this, you can live long without health problems.

Even if you sleep too much or not enough…if you do this, you can live long without health problems.

WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for adults input 2024.10.16 09:05 input 2024.10.16 09:05correction 2024.10.16 08:45 Views 866 It has been shown that exercise can offset health problems that can occur due to lack or too much sleep. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Getting adequate sleep is very important for your health. Studies … Read more

Can calorie restriction help you live longer? If you do this, it will have the opposite effect.

Can calorie restriction help you live longer? If you do this, it will have the opposite effect.

a toothThe Jackson Lab/Calico Life Science research team conducted animal experiments on 960 micea toothA calorie-restricted diet has a significant effect on life extensiona toothLosing too much weight shortens your life. Research results have been published on the effects of calorie restriction and fasting on life. The results of this study (Dietary effects on the … Read more