Three ways to speed up your metabolism to get fit and lose weight

When it comes to losing weight, everyone thinks that it only takes a lot of willpower, do strenuous physical exercise and deprive yourself of rich and nutritious foods. But this does not guarantee anything either, since in the end each body is a world, and it will be better for some to focus on one … Read more

Scarlett Johansson’s Coach Workout Routine

28/06/2020 12:49 – Updated: 06/28/2020 12:52 – Scarlett Johansson starred in 2019 Avengers: Endgame, one of the highest grossing movies of the year. But, in addition to being a great success, the film was also a challenge for the actress, since had to undergo a very hard physical preparation to be able to display his … Read more

We tell you what you should eat after exercising and keep losing weight

Make the decision to do physical exercise is key to lead a more active life and therefore healthy. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the most serious health problems in our society and it should be remedied, so if you have decided to incorporate sport as a new habit in your life, congratulations! Simply following the … Read more

The simple exercise to lose weight and lose weight quickly

Since 1975, obesity has tripled worldwide. More of 2 billion people on the planet are overweight, which means that one in four people faces that problem on a daily basis. And of them, a good part is obese: more than 700 million human beings, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO). It is … Read more

Standing abs, how to do this exercise correctly to slim your waist

The decision of start exercising It is one of the best that any person could take. It not only helps you define your figure, it also brings numerous benefits to your health. Getting your body to work better, your heart to be stronger and to release stress. That is why it is essential to lead … Read more

Healthy tricks to lose weight without the pressure of a diet

We know what to try slim down during confinement it is a very complicated task. Aside from telecommuting, kids, uncertainties, and limited access to sports, there’s a temptation to go to the fridge and give yourself an unhealthy snack prize. However, losing weight is possible and even recommended, given that some experts have suggested that … Read more

Is it better to have breakfast before or after exercising? Does fasting lose weight more?

If you are one of those people who wake up full of energy, wanting to squeeze the day from start to finish, surely you prefer to jump out of bed, put on your tights and shoes and start exercising as soon as possible. In this case, you may have had a fairly common question about … Read more

Do you want to lose weight? Eliminate these foods from your diet from four in the afternoon

Getting rid of the extra kilos is not easy. Anyone who has undergone a weight loss process at some point in their life knows this. But once we are aware that the journey will not be easyIt is time to be clear about how we are going to lose the excess weight to show off … Read more

The best tips to lose weight and body fat in a week

Weight gain is one of the biggest problems confinement is causing because of the coronavirus. Spending a lot of time at home, having the fridge and pantry close at hand and having more free time than normal is generating that many are overeating and, therefore, gaining more kilos than would be necessary. But many people … Read more

this is the time you have to train every day

Updated: 05/09/2020 08:25 – When we try to lead a healthy life, it is key to lean on two great pillars. The first is feeding, changing our habits and leaving aside the consumption of unhealthy products is only the first step. Buying more fresh food and going into the kitchen to enjoy the whole process … Read more