“V Violet” and “Kao Jirayu” Defeat Rumors of Breakup with Cute Couple Picture

“V Violet” and “Kao Jirayu” Defeat Rumors of Breakup with Cute Couple Picture

“V Violet” teases “Kao Jirayu”, posting a picture of a couple, defeating rumors of love over a hundred times Previously came out and denied that it was not our partner. After encountering rumors that they were a broken couple, they ceased to be silent. For a female singer with a good voice “Ve Violette Vauthier” … Read more

The Impact of Drinks on Health and Appearance

The Impact of Drinks on Health and Appearance

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Gastroenterologist Dr. Chhota Kalandia confirmed that the drinks a person drinks affect his health and his outward appearance. water He explained in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia” that, first of all, a person should drink a sufficient amount of water daily, because this is necessary to maintain health, improve digestion, absorb useful … Read more

The Equation of Waiting: Highlights from Patrick Nattawan’s 1st Fan Meeting in Bangkok

The Equation of Waiting: Highlights from Patrick Nattawan’s 1st Fan Meeting in Bangkok

The equation of waiting!! “Patrick Nattawan” shakes the heart of the star fish in PATRICK 1st Fan Meeting in Bangkok It has already passed for the first solo fan meeting PATRICK 1st Fan Meeting in Bangkok of the artist and actor “Patrick Nattawan Finkler” of the starfish, the name of Patrick’s fan club, which is … Read more

Captain Phutanate and Egg Busakorn Celebrate 7 Year Wedding Anniversary with Outdoor Dinner

Captain Phutanate and Egg Busakorn Celebrate 7 Year Wedding Anniversary with Outdoor Dinner

7 year wedding anniversary! “Captain Phutanate” takes “Egg Busakorn” for an outdoor dinner Yesterday, July 16, was the 47th birthday of the young actor. “Captain Phuthanate” It’s also the 7th wedding anniversary of “captain” with a beautiful wife “Egg Busakorn” too For this event, “Captain” took his wife and “Nong Din”, his beloved son, to … Read more

Why Taking Your Child on Difficult Trips Can be Beneficial for the Whole Family

Why Taking Your Child on Difficult Trips Can be Beneficial for the Whole Family

Stop doubting! “Haru” replied, why is it so difficult to take your child and yourself? Raised to be a real active family for “Guy Ratchanon” with “Haru Suprakob” And the 3 beloved heirs like Nong Kirin, Nong Naira and Nong Aiden because they often pack their bags to travel abroad often. But going on a … Read more

Morning Drinks for Healthy and Glowing Skin: An Alternative to Tea and Coffee

Morning Drinks for Healthy and Glowing Skin: An Alternative to Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee are the drinks most consumed in the morning. They may help awaken your senses, but what we don’t realize is how much damage they do to our skin. Instead, we should opt for healthy alternatives that help nourish our skin from within. Here are some drinks you should consider. Drink it in … Read more

Causes and Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Causes and Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

When fatigue accumulates, ‘dark circles’ under the eyes often settle down without fail. Dark circles are not an official medical term for dark circles under the eyes. It is a symptom caused by blood vessel see-through, and when red capillaries and dark blue veins are reflected on the thin skin under the eyes, it looks … Read more

Understanding Sweating: A Comprehensive Guide Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Understanding Sweating: A Comprehensive Guide Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine divides sweating patterns into: less sweating, hyperhidrosis, sticky sweat, cold sweat, and heavy odor; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The existing condition of the skin is bad enough, plus the summer heat wave hits, and as soon as you go outdoors, you will be sweating, drenched, … Read more

Tips for Effective First Aid and Management of Burns

Tips for Effective First Aid and Management of Burns

Burns are skin diseases that can cause pain as well as severe scarring. If a large scar is left, psychological pain may come. In order to prevent the pain and severe scarring of these burns, treatment and correct management are more important than anything else. Together with Haidac experts, we learned about first aid and … Read more