Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lymphoma: A Case Study

In recent years, the living habits of many of my friends have changed. In addition to going to work, they like to stay at home more in their spare time. Take a break at home, grab something to eat, and relax. Of course, his figure also improved step by step. As a result, another group … Read more

Recognizing Skin Abnormalities as Potential Signs of AIDS

Recognizing Skin Abnormalities as Potential Signs of AIDS

3abnormalorAIDSsignal, don’t mistake it forskinsick. (Image source: Adobe Stock) It is forbidden for Chinese websites to create mirror websites. Mr. Liu, who is in his early 40s this year, works in a real estate sales company. Some time ago, he found dense erythema on his body, which was red and itchy. At first, he thought … Read more

Relief and Treatment for Eczema: Tips to Reduce Symptoms and Manage the Condition

Relief and Treatment for Eczema: Tips to Reduce Symptoms and Manage the Condition

Poptren.suara.com – Eczema (dermatitis) is a skin condition that can cause the skin to become red, itchy, dry, scaly, and sometimes blisters or blisters form. Eczema treatment depends on the type and severity of your eczema. Here are some ways that can help relieve and treat eczema symptoms: Using Topical Steroid CreamsTopical corticosteroid creams or … Read more

Understanding Immunity: How Acupuncture Can Help Strengthen Your Body’s Defense System

Understanding Immunity: How Acupuncture Can Help Strengthen Your Body’s Defense System

The hot summer is hot, the sun is shining, and everything grows, even bacteria and viruses are extremely active. If one is not careful, it is easy to be provoked by external infections, and Dona is one of them. Dona is a sick child. Whenever the seasons change or when the temperature varies greatly, she … Read more

Skin Changes During Pregnancy: Hormonal and Specific Rashes With Potential Risks for Mothers and Babies

Skin Changes During Pregnancy: Hormonal and Specific Rashes With Potential Risks for Mothers and Babies

Key Point : Common skin changes during pregnancy include: hormonal rash and specific rash in pregnant women which have different symptoms and characteristics of the disease Since the symptoms do not affect the baby Until it can cause miscarriage. hormonal rash There will be changes in the skin, hair, nails, connective tissue, and blood vessels. … Read more

Seven Home Remedies to Eliminate Warts Naturally using Kitchen Ingredients, without Medical Assistance

Seven Home Remedies to Eliminate Warts Naturally using Kitchen Ingredients, without Medical Assistance

Surabaya – The growth of warts on the skin is actually not dangerous. However, there are so many people who are looking for ways to get rid of warts in order to beautify their appearance. Treatment of warts can be done through surgery to laser. But this risks causing irritation. So how do you get … Read more