Popular support supports AMLO in his latest Government Report

Popular support supports AMLO in his latest Government Report

Mexico CitySome attendees at the sixth government report considered that Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be remembered as one of the best presidents in the country, because he reduced poverty, allocated resources to infrastructure and implemented welfare programs, including the pension for senior citizens, for people with disabilities, as well as Youth Building the Future, … Read more

The “rush” for mining concessions has stopped: López Obrador

The “rush” for mining concessions has stopped: López Obrador

Mexico City. In his sixth and final State of the Union address, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stressed that his administration had halted the “rush of granting mining concessions to national and foreign companies and had not granted any permits to exploit minerals in the open air.” He also said that the importation of genetically … Read more

Much was done by everyone and from below: AMLO

Much was done by everyone and from below: AMLO

Mexico City“Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart… I retire with the pride and honor of having served a good, hard-working, intelligent, fraternal people, heir to the great virtues and values ​​of the ancient Mexicans; heir to the dignity and patriotism of our selfless heroes and heroines, both known and anonymous,” said … Read more

Judicial reform opinion read and Congress is called for Tuesday

Judicial reform opinion read and Congress is called for Tuesday

Mexico City. The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies publicized this Sunday the ruling on the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, and summoned the deputies of the 66th Legislature for next Tuesday, September 3 at 10 a.m. in the plenary session of San Lázaro, to begin the formal process of … Read more