Work: Discount of weekly hours in Spain – Counter instance Greece – 2024-07-08 02:15:50

In Spain, the brand new regulation on discount of hours of labor from 40 per week and five-day work to 38.5 hours per week from the entry into drive of the brand new regulation. From 1 January 2025 will probably be decreased to 37.5 hours per week. The unions agree however the Ministry of Labor … Read more

Six-day work: Premiere from at present – 2024-07-03 05:39:33

At present, July 1st, the six-day work with a 40% elevated each day wage is premiering. The six-day work may also be accompanied by the digital work card. The employer will be capable to unilaterally impose a six-day work week. The six-day work regime – in accordance with regulation 5053/23 – considerations constantly working companies … Read more

Six days’ work: The Germans deify the Greeks – 2024-06-24 23:08:05

“Lazy Greeks? Are you kidding me; Nowhere within the EU, except Poland, do individuals work longer hours than in Greece. And now they’ll work even more durable. As expert employees grow to be more durable to search out, the Conservative authorities is introducing the six-day work possibility on July 1. Staff who work an additional … Read more