Recent Clashes between Israeli Army and Hamas Militants at Gaza Strip Border

Recent Clashes between Israeli Army and Hamas Militants at Gaza Strip Border

The Israeli army is engaging in numerous firefights with Hamas militants along the border of the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, violent explosions shake the city of Gaza, according to residents and live images from international feeds. Anti-missile sirens sound in Israel in the border areas with Palestinian territory. Reproduction reserved © Copyright ANSA 2023-10-10 00:55:00 #IsraelHamas … Read more

Israel-Gaza Conflict: Rising Casualties, Hostage Situations, and International Response

Israel-Gaza Conflict: Rising Casualties, Hostage Situations, and International Response

Over 700 Israelis, most of them civilians, have been killed since the attack on Gaza began. Local media reported that 2,500 people were injured. ‘At least four Americans died in the attack on Israel’, the US media reported. ‘ 750 are ‘missing’, perhaps hostages in the Territories. On the Palestinian front the number of victims … Read more

The Death Toll Rises to Over 250 in Hamas Attack on Israel

The Death Toll Rises to Over 250 in Hamas Attack on Israel

“The death toll from the massive attack by the terrorist group Hamas against Israel has risen to over 250 deaths”. The Times of Israel writes this, citing medical officials, specifying that “the toll could continue to rise. At least 1,450 people have been injured, many of them serious”.They are in the Gaza Strip at least … Read more

Citizens of Israel in War: Updates on ‘Operation Iron Swords’

Citizens of Israel in War: Updates on ‘Operation Iron Swords’

“Citizens of Israel we are at war and it is not just an operation, it is a war.” The prime minister said it Benjamin Netanyahu adding that he had given the order to the army to recall the reservists and to “respond to the war with vehemence and a breadth that the enemy has not … Read more