“May Bank Holiday Break Sparks Political Tempests, Kangaroo Court Talk, and Organized Crime in Ireland”

After the May bank holiday, there were plenty of interesting discussions in the Dáil. There were mentions of Mexican imports, political scandals, and imported wood chips from Brazil and peat from Latvia. Matt Shanahan of the Regional Independents mentioned the lack of government commitment to the southeast compared to Dublin and Cork, causing John Paul … Read more

Sinn Fein is facing calls to clarify the extent of its knowledge of Jonathan Dowdall’s links to criminality before his election as a party councillor in 2014. The call follows an admission by senior Sinn Fein TD Eoin Ó Broin that the party had discussed a 2011 shooting incident at the home of Dowdall’s uncle with Dowdall before the 2014 elections. Dowdall was jailed in 2017 for offences involving the “waterboarding” of a man at his home. He subsequently pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of facilitating murder by booking a room in Dublin’s Regency Hotel.

Sinn Féin is facing pressure to clarify whether it was aware of links between former councillor Jonathan Dowdall and criminality prior to his 2014 election by the party, following revelations that Sinn Féin officials discussed a 2011 shooting at Dowdall’s uncle’s house with him prior to the local election. Dowdall was jailed for involvement in … Read more

“Donal Varian: The Good Friday Agreement Has Failed Republicans and Set Back a United Ireland”

In recent years, the Belfast Agreement, also known as the Good Friday Agreement, has been seen as a pivotal moment in the history of Northern Ireland’s troubled past. It brought an end to years of bloodshed and violence, and paved the way for a new era of peace and prosperity. However, not everyone is happy … Read more

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Discusses Timing and Approaches to Northern Institutions Restoration

The Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister), Micheál Martin, has recently announced that he does not intend to establish a “fake deadline” regarding the restoration of Northern Ireland’s institutions. Such institutions include the stable functioning of the executive, which has not been in operation for over two years. Micheál’s statement comes amidst growing concerns about the failings … Read more

“Majority of Unionists Oppose Good Friday Agreement: No Cause for Celebration by the DUP”

The Good Friday Agreement was a historic achievement for peace in Northern Ireland, but it has been a contentious issue among unionists since its signing in 1998. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is a leading voice in the chorus of opposition. In this article, we will explore the reasons why a majority of unionists, including … Read more

“DUP leader insists ‘further measures are required’ for North’s post-Brexit trade arrangements before party’s return to Stormont.”

The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, has expressed concerns over the post-Brexit trade arrangements for Northern Ireland. He has warned that “more is needed” for the party to return to power-sharing at Stormont. In this article, we will analyze the DUP’s position on the current trade arrangements and their demands … Read more

The latest opinion poll reveals an increase in support for both Sinn Féin and DUP in Northern Ireland.

A new opinion poll in Northern Ireland has revealed significant gains for both Sinn Féin and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). The findings indicate a shift in popular support for the two major parties, as the country navigates through a time of political uncertainty and tension. In this article, we will take a closer look … Read more

According to the Tánaiste, Sinn Féin exaggerated the violent aspects of the Troubles.

In recent years, Sinn Féin, the political party associated with the Irish Republican Army (IRA), has gained significant ground in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. However, as the party’s influence has grown, so has criticism of its portrayal of the Troubles – the period of violence and political conflict in Northern Ireland from … Read more

Ireland’s Soft Power at Work: Uncovering the Influence Beneath the Green Shamrocks and Fluff of St. Patrick’s Day

Every year on March 17, the world turns its attention to Ireland, celebrating its rich culture and heritage with parades, shamrocks, and green beer. But beyond this festive frivolity lies a more enduring force: Ireland’s soft power. From literature and music to diplomacy and philanthropy, Ireland has long exerted a subtle but powerful influence on … Read more