Sharp Releases Aquos R8s and R8s Pro, Smartphones with Mirrorless Equivalent Cameras

Sharp Releases Aquos R8s and R8s Pro, Smartphones with Mirrorless Equivalent Cameras

Wednesday, December 6 2023 – 21:56 WIB Jakarta – Japanese electronics manufacturer, Sharp, officially released their newest flagship smartphone, namely the Sharp Aquos R8s and R8s Pro in Indonesia, Wednesday, December 6 2023. President Director of PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia, Shinji Teraoka, said that the latest series from Aquos is very popular in the Japanese … Read more

The Impact of Online Bookstores on Reading Habits and Book Purchases in Spain

The Impact of Online Bookstores on Reading Habits and Book Purchases in Spain

Online stores like Amazon have become a resource for readers, making it easier and faster to purchase books, especially for those who do not have as much time available to visit bookstores or libraries. From relieving sadness, helping to deal with anxiety, causing great emotions such as happiness, cultivating us and letting our imagination fly, … Read more

Former NatWest CEO Alison Rose to forgo 7.6 million pounds in additional remuneration

Former NatWest CEO Alison Rose to forgo 7.6 million pounds in additional remuneration

London, Nov 10 (EFECOM).- The former CEO of NatWest Alison Rose, who resigned in July following the controversy over the closure of a bank account of Nigel Farage, former pro-Brexit leader, will not receive the 7.6 million pounds (8.6 million euros) in additional remuneration to which he was entitled, the British bank announced today. Rose … Read more

Kuwaiti Actress Jawaher Shares Health Update After Successful Operation to Remove Tumor

Kuwaiti Actress Jawaher Shares Health Update After Successful Operation to Remove Tumor

Kuwaiti actress Jawaher reassured her audience about her health, a few days after she underwent a delicate operation to remove a malignant tumor. Jawaher wrote a post on “Instagram” thanks to everyone who asked about her during her illness, confirming her complete satisfaction with God’s destiny, and she said: “Praise be to God in any … Read more

Security Developments in Bsharri: The Truth Behind the Recent Incidents and Calls for Justice

Security Developments in Bsharri: The Truth Behind the Recent Incidents and Calls for Justice

In the wake of the security developments in Bsharri and the fall of the two victims, Haitham and Malik Tawq in Qurna al-Sawda, the Touq Al-Tawq League stressed that “Bishri has not and will not be a stick breaker, and the pretexts for the dispute in the inventory are outside the framework of history and … Read more

No more live shopping on Instagram

No more live shopping on Instagram

There is recent news that Instagram, starting in March, will no longer allow you to tag products in live streams. To confirm all this directly from the company: “From March 16, 2023, it will no longer be possible to tag products in live broadcasts on Instagram. This change will help us focus on products and … Read more

In the video… a meteorologist reveals a sharp drop in temperatures and rainfall… and identifies the affected areas

In the video… a meteorologist reveals a sharp drop in temperatures and rainfall… and identifies the affected areas

Al-Marsad newspaper: Today, Saturday, the meteorological spokesman, Hussein Al-Qahtani revealed that the Kingdom is witnessing weather fluctuations and a sharp drop in temperatures in the northern, northeastern and central regions of the Kingdom. Al-Qahtani said in an interview with the “From Saudi Arabia” program that moderate to heavy rains are expected, which will also affect … Read more

Helmy Bakr in harsh attack on Hani Shaker: must be held accountable

Helmy Bakr in harsh attack on Hani Shaker: must be held accountable

Egyptian musician Helmy Bakr, a former captain of the Musicians’ Union, attacked Egyptian artist Hani Shaker, believing that “the moment he took over the captaincy, the conditions of the union deteriorated further”. In press statements, Bakr said, “Hani Shaker hasn’t been added to the Musicians Union because he hasn’t gone to the Union, and the … Read more