A common spice that treats impotence and kills cancerous cells

A common spice that treats impotence and kills cancerous cells

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Black cardamom is one of the types of spices commonly used in Asian countries, especially India, and this plant comes from the ginger family. Its flavor differs from that of green cardamom, as the latter has a sweeter flavor compared to its black counterpart, which has a pungent and spicy taste, according to … Read more

The new director of the “New York Special Unit” accused of sexual harassment

The new director of the “New York Special Unit” accused of sexual harassment

David Graziano, who has taken the helm of the cult series “New York Special Unit,” is accused of sexual harassment by a dozen people who have worked alongside him throughout his career. David Graziano is a well-known producer in the entertainment world. He has in fact worked on the series “Lie to Me” by Tim … Read more