The Philippines Proposes the Legal Limit of Sexual Relations is 16 Years All pages

MANILA, – in many countries have sex with a 13 year old child will automatically be considered no rape. However on Filipina adults can hold sexual intercourse with a 12 year old child, and can be considered consensual. Now the Philippines is brewing rules to raise the age restriction to 16 years to protect … Read more

Want to Last Long in Bed with Your Partner, Try Drinking this Duck Egg Yolk and Sugar Potion, Feel for Yourself the Amazing Effect!

MaxPixel’s contributors via – benefits of duck eggs for health – – Having sex with a husband or wife is a must in a marital relationship. This is necessary to last the marriage and get closer to each other. Well, of course couple nor do you want to rush over when having sex … Read more

More and more men are affected by the virus

Almost everyone becomes infected with human papilloma viruses, or HPV for short, in the course of their life. Most of them are harmless. But HPV types 16 and 18 in particular are considered dangerous. Because in addition to the female risk group, more and more men are affected. We asked an expert which diseases could … Read more