Why does the penis itch after sex? Beware, Could Be PMS

Why does the penis itch after sex?  Beware, Could Be PMS

tim | CNN Indonesia Friday, 17 Feb 2023 22:00 WIB Itchy penis after sex may sound trivial but annoying. One possible cause is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). (iStock/Diy13) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Penis itching after sex may sound trivial but disturbing. One possible cause is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Intimate sessions that should … Read more

Benefits of green beans for sex | the concerto

Benefits of green beans for sex |  the concerto

Books – Saber Najah: Green beans are of great importance to men, and the reason is that they contain nutrients that provide them with an amazing set of benefits, some of which are related to sexual health. Also read: Green beans and soybeans – which is more beneficial to the body? Benefits of green beans … Read more