Behind the scenes: Kremlin talks about pre-emptive nuclear strikes

Behind the scenes: Kremlin talks about pre-emptive nuclear strikes

Interestingly, Russian propagandists hardly paid attention to Latvia’s decision to revoke the broadcasting license of the Russian opposition TV channel “Dozhdj”. The international press talked about it, it was a hot topic for Russian and Ukrainian opponents. Why did the Kremlin “brainwashers” miss the opportunity to find out about Latvia’s “Russophobia”? The answer is very … Read more

A man beats a 20-year-old woman to death in Code

A man beats a 20-year-old woman to death in Code

A woman with signs of a violent death was found by Codes residents outside a local shop. Most everyone in the village knew her and her family. Locals say that after a failed marriage and the separation of three children, the young woman returned to Kode to her mother. However, according to eyewitnesses, both the … Read more