Unmasking the Hypocrisy: Zhou Enlai’s Lavish Lifestyle and CCP Propaganda

Unmasking the Hypocrisy: Zhou Enlai’s Lavish Lifestyle and CCP Propaganda

Even in the most difficult era of the Anti-Japanese War and the tight front line, Zhou Enlai still sang and drank every night. (Internet picture) Looking at Chinese websites, it is prohibited to establish mirror websites. Return to the genuine Chinese website. even inAnti-Japanese WarThe most difficult and tight times on the front line,Zhou EnlaiStill … Read more

details of the terrible tragedy in Almaty became known

details of the terrible tragedy in Almaty became known

The monstrous tragedy in Almaty shocked the entire country. The stepfather is suspected of murdering a four-year-old child. According to some reports, the 19-year-old boy brutally beat his stepson. But the last time the boy received such serious injuries that he could no longer recover, reports Azattyq Grooves with reference to CTC. Employees of a … Read more

The Shiba Inu: Understanding Hair Loss and Other Considerations

The Shiba Inu: Understanding Hair Loss and Other Considerations

Original title: Before raising a Shiba Inu, you must check what shortcomings the Shiba Inu has besides shedding. It is said that when choosing a dog, we must first prepare our mentality. The Shiba Inu is a well-known dog breed in Japan. It is a medium-sized dog that does a lot of exercise, so you … Read more

The Future of the U.S. Air Force: Heavy Reliance on Drones

The Future of the U.S. Air Force: Heavy Reliance on Drones

Original title: The U.S. Air Force will rely heavily on drones for future operations The U.S. Air Force recently announced that its “cooperative combat aircraft”, in addition to being used for aerial refueling and cargo transportation, can also work closely with the B-21 “Raider” stealth bomber to conduct joint operations. The Cooperative Combat Aircraft will … Read more

Dangers of Prolonged Sitting: A Warning from Doctor Malik Al-Jamzawi

Dangers of Prolonged Sitting: A Warning from Doctor Malik Al-Jamzawi

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Doctor Malik Al-Jamzawi warned of the dangers of sitting for long periods, because it causes the body to suffer many diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and heart efficiency. The doctor said, in a video clip circulating on the “Tik Tok” application, that long sitting has negative effects on various organs of the body, the … Read more

Study Finds High Blood Pressure More Common in Severe Wuhan Pneumonia Cases

Study Finds High Blood Pressure More Common in Severe Wuhan Pneumonia Cases

A study in the United States found that among patients infected with the Wuhan pneumonia virus, more than one-fifth of the severely ill patients were diagnosed with high blood pressure, which is about twice the rate of ordinary patients. (Reuters) [Compiler Lin Jiayu/Comprehensive Report]The medical journal “Hypertension” (Hypertension) published a research report on the relationship … Read more

Tips for Strengthening Your Immune System and Preventing the Flu

Tips for Strengthening Your Immune System and Preventing the Flu

Hu Haochun pointed out that moderate exercise, balanced diet, adequate sleep, and reducing stress all help to enhance the function of the immune system; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]The COVID-19 epidemic mask order has passed, and the flu has made a comeback. In this regard, Hu Haochun, an … Read more

United Nations Calls for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Sudan’s Conflict

United Nations Calls for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Sudan’s Conflict

Original title: United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan: Urging both parties to the conflict in Sudan to stop military operations and resume negotiations This article is transferred from[CCTV News Client]; The armed conflict in Sudan has continued since its outbreak in April this year. A large number of Sudanese people have been displaced … Read more

Understanding the Impact and Signs of Concussions: A Closer Look

Understanding the Impact and Signs of Concussions: A Closer Look

Al Marsad newspaper: A concussion refers to a sudden but short-term loss of mental function that occurs after a blow or injury to the head. A concussion can affect the brain’s ability to regulate emotions, leading to irritability, depression, anxiety or other mood changes. A concussion can cause blurred vision or other visual disturbances, such … Read more

Excessive Night Sweating: A Potential Indicator of Serious Cancer

Excessive Night Sweating: A Potential Indicator of Serious Cancer

Excessive night sweating, which leaves clear marks on sheets and pillows, is a symptom that sometimes indicates some types of serious cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, excessive night sweats may be an early sign of cancer of the bone, liver, blood or lymph glands. It is not clear exactly why this is so … Read more