Motorway expansion of the A3: Volt and left in the regional council with criticism / Köln Verkehr / Köln Nachrichten / /

Motorway expansion of the A3: Volt and left in the regional council with criticism / Köln Verkehr / Köln Nachrichten / /

Cologne news Cologne traffic – Cologne | The joint faction of the Left and Volt in the regional council of the Cologne district government speaks of a “wrong game in the traffic commission” with the eight-lane expansion of the A3 between Leverkusen Opladen and the Hilden motorway junction. – The parliamentary groups of the Left, … Read more

The Kienitz disaster and the council alliance – a commented analysis / Politics Cologne / Politics News / /

The unbelievable department layout Just imagine you have to formulate a job advertisement and you don’t want to find a generalist, but someone with specialist expertise. Who would you be looking for if an urban developer is wanted, who if an expert for digitization can be found and who with business skills? Regional cooperation is … Read more

Cologne incidence rises again – another death / Köln Nachrichten / Köln Nachrichten / /

Cologne incidence rises again – another death / Köln Nachrichten / Köln Nachrichten / /

Cologne News Cologne News – Cologne | The incidence in Cologne is rising again. This is reported by the Robert Koch Institute and another person who died in Cologne or who died with Covid 19 disease. The development of the number of corona cases on Thursday, June 10, in Cologne and Germany. The NRW Ministry … Read more

With its Mars landing, China comes dangerously close to the United States

With its Mars landing, China comes dangerously close to the United States

Dhe successful Mars landing is not only useful for Beijing from a scientific and epistemological point of view. It also gives the People’s Republic a boost in competition with the USA. And it is – in the 100th year of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – a source of pride that can … Read more

Art college for media stays in Cologne and moves to the Heumarkt / Bildung / Wirtschaftsnachrichten / /

Art college for media stays in Cologne and moves to the Heumarkt / Bildung / Wirtschaftsnachrichten / /

Business news education – Cologne | The Academy of Media Arts (KHM) is moving. From Peter-Welter-Platz 2 to Heumarkt 14, into the “tower” of the Cologne Chamber of Crafts, and is thus visible to an even broader public. The KHM secured this location for the next 30 years. The archive of the City of Cologne … Read more

McKinsey: Companies cut travel budgets by up to 50 percent / Wirtschaft Deutschland / Wirtschaftsnachrichten / /

McKinsey: Companies cut travel budgets by up to 50 percent / Wirtschaft Deutschland / Wirtschaftsnachrichten / /

Business news Economy Germany – Berlin | Even after the end of the Corona crisis, the German economy is planning significantly fewer business trips than before. “Companies have reduced their travel budgets by 40 to 50 percent,” said the Germany boss of the McKinsey consultancy, Fabian Billing, of “Welt am Sonntag”. – Accordingly, the companies … Read more

Union ver.di sharply criticizes the employer DSW at Düsseldorf Airport / Unions / Economy /

Union ver.di sharply criticizes the employer DSW at Düsseldorf Airport / Unions / Economy /

Economy unions DSW was commissioned with the passenger control at Düsseldorf Airport – – Since the German Protection and Guard Service (DSW) took over the passenger controls at Düsseldorf Airport, the relationship between the workforce and the employer has apparently been crunching. On June 1, 2020, DSW took over the task of succeeding Kötter Aviation … Read more

Observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution: Only a hard core is committed to the Corona rebels Düsseldorf / News / Düsseldorf /

Observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution: Only a hard core is committed to the Corona rebels Düsseldorf / News / Düsseldorf /

– A “big demo” on Saturday (May 8th) in Düsseldorf has been advertised on social networks for days. According to the flyer, the organizer was the group “Active against police violence”. On closer inspection, the suspicion of a connection to the lateral thinker scene is close. The promised support of the group “Veterans for Law … Read more

Düsseldorf: Students demonstrate for their return to campus / News / Düsseldorf /

Düsseldorf: Students demonstrate for their return to campus / News / Düsseldorf /

Düsseldorf news After the rally, the demonstrators marched through the city, Photo: Info Center – – “Students are demanding their right to education” reads the press release of the “Back to Campus” initiative, which attempted to draw attention to itself on Saturday (April 24th) with a first event. After the venue was relocated, almost 200 … Read more

Düsseldorf: 114 new corona cases, 7-day incidence at 91.0 / News / Düsseldorf /

Düsseldorf: 114 new corona cases, 7-day incidence at 91.0 / News / Düsseldorf /

Düsseldorf news The incidence fell again – – The number of Düsseldorf residents who currently tested positive for the corona virus was 19,727 on Thursday (April 8), 114 higher than the day before. The so-called 7-day incidence (number of new cases in the past 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants) is currently 91.0 (96.0) in Düsseldorf. … Read more