The prosecutor’s office searches the homes of businessman Agus Hartono, who admits he was blackmailed by the prosecutor’s office

The prosecutor’s office searches the homes of businessman Agus Hartono, who admits he was blackmailed by the prosecutor’s office

Jakarta – The Central Java (Kejati) High Court searched the residence of Agus Hartono (AH), a businessman who became a suspect in the corruption and once admitted that 10 billion rupees were extorted by unscrupulous prosecutors. There was also a refusal when they were about to be searched. Reported detik JatengLegal Information Section chief Bambang … Read more

Businessman Agus Hartono allegedly tortured: head swollen and bleeding

Businessman Agus Hartono allegedly tortured: head swollen and bleeding

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Entrepreneur from Semarang Agus Hartono has admitted being tortured as he was about to fulfill a summons to be questioned as a suspect High Court (Kejati) Central Java. Agus’ lawyer Kamaruddin Simanjuntak said the torture incident happened when he arrived at Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang on Thursday (12/22). Kamaruddin, who accompanied … Read more