Thousands Gather in Paris to Support Palestinians Despite Ban: Arrests Made

Thousands Gather in Paris to Support Palestinians Despite Ban: Arrests Made

In Paris, 3,000 people gathered, under the cries of “Palestine will win”, or even “Israel assassin, Macron complicit” and “Zionists, you are terrorists”. Around ten arrests took place. More than 3,000 people gathered Thursday, October 12 in the early evening at Place de la République in Paris in support of the Palestinians, despite the ban … Read more

Cities take precautions as riots loom on national holiday: Fireworks and festivities cancelled

Cities take precautions as riots loom on national holiday: Fireworks and festivities cancelled

Cities fear a resurgence of riots on the occasion of the national holiday. NDABCREATIVITY / Several municipalities have announced that they are breaking with the tradition of balls or fireworks. Will July 14 be a day of celebration everywhere in France? Several municipalities have already announced the cancellation of the fireworks, or even all … Read more