China is surprised to hear that more and more B&Bs are taking photos with pinholes inserted! It’s easier to make money running a live broadcast than renting a house Hot girls and couples are the target – Mirror Media

China is surprised to hear that more and more B&Bs are taking photos with pinholes inserted! It’s easier to make money running a live broadcast than renting a house Hot girls and couples are the target – Mirror Media

2024.09.26 13:55 Taipei time internationalization China is surprised to hear that more and more B&Bs are taking photos with pinholes inserted! Live streaming is more profitable than renting a house, and the targets are beautiful girls and couples. (Reproduced from platform X) Release time: 2024.09.26 13:55 Taipei Time Update time: 2024.09.26 13:55 Taipei time art … Read more