China. Knife attack in school leaves 39 injured

China. Knife attack in school leaves 39 injured

This Thursday, June 4, a knife attack killed 39 people, including many students, in a primary school in the south of China, announced the local authorities. The incident happened at 8:30 a.m. local time (12:30 a.m. GMT) in a town in the commune of Cangwu, in the autonomous region of Guangxi, the municipality said in … Read more

Coronavirus in Elda | A teacher from the public school Father Manjón tests positive

Coronavirus in Elda | A teacher from the public school Father Manjón tests positive

Aprofessorfrom public schoolFather Manjón de Eldahas tested positive inCovid-19. He is in good health and is isolated at home under medical supervision byPublic health. As reported by theAMPA, they are already takingnecessary measuresto control the possible appearance of new cases among the students and teaching staff. The maximum is requested from the centercollaborationparents to report … Read more

schoolchildren and high school students return to Jeannine-Manuel bilingual school

schoolchildren and high school students return to Jeannine-Manuel bilingual school

Contact has never been broken. Throughout the confinement, the 975 students of all nationalities kept the link and worked. Some students from the United States, Greece, Bulgaria, England, Denmark and Saudi Arabia were even able to follow the lessons, off-beat, when they were back with their families. They found their barrack friends, by videoconferences organized … Read more

Coronavirus: the scientist and the after

Coronavirus: the scientist and the after

The era is paradoxical. With the coronavirus crisis, there has probably never been more talk of science in the media than in political discourse. The rate of reproduction, the cytokine storm, the protective antibodies are in everyone’s mouth. And yet the streak is not a triumph of reason. We feel like a bitter aftertaste in … Read more

“My son would still be alive if he could have stayed in school”

“My son would still be alive if he could have stayed in school”

Posted on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 12:43 p.m. By Sudinfo — A young American man committed the irreparable last month because of the confinement. – – The drama took place on April 17. Hayden Hunstable committed suicide in her Texas home that day. The 12-year-old boy is found by his dad, Brad, who will … Read more

why little Alice, with a disability, can’t go back to school

why little Alice, with a disability, can’t go back to school

” I have reached a point of saturation, I no longer know who to turn to. It’s David against Goliath! Mathieu Morchipont is exhausted. Alice, her four-year-old daughter, is carrying a genetic mutation which results in motor and brain retardation, this is why she has been accompanied by an AVS (school life assistant) since September … Read more

Relax the rules to get as many children as possible into school? Pierre-Yves Jeholet says he is favorable

Relax the rules to get as many children as possible into school? Pierre-Yves Jeholet says he is favorable

Pierre-Yves Jeholet said he shared with the Minister of Education, Caroline Désir, the desire to relax the rules in educational establishments in order to allow as many students as possible to join the school benches before the end of June, he explained to SudInfo. This Monday, May 25, will see the return of new classes: … Read more

School competition, Azzolina-Pd high voltage for the amnesty of precarious workers

School competition, Azzolina-Pd high voltage for the amnesty of precarious workers

After the Bonafede case, another political confrontation is causing the majority to wobble. The crux of the dispute is the school competitions: the rules governing the extraordinary competition that will allow 32 thousand alternates with at least three years of seniority to have a tenure chair are contained in the decree of 7 April, in … Read more

“Students are not funnels to fill”: Minister Azzolina’s gaffe unleashes social irony

“Students are not funnels to fill”: Minister Azzolina’s gaffe unleashes social irony

It will be that the school is at the center of controversy, in this period. It will be that anxiety rises in view of the end of the school year. But the latest involuntary gaffe of the Minister of Education has triggered a series of posts and tweets on social media. “Students – said Minister … Read more