Reopening of schools, Azzolina: not in May, too many deaths. And in September no double shifts

Reopening of schools, Azzolina: not in May, too many deaths. And in September no double shifts

In Italy the situation is still too dangerous to go back to school immediately as they will in Germany and perhaps in France. Although all will be promoted the report cards will be true with good marks if deserved and insufficiencies, the 5 and also the 4, if the students have not done their homework. … Read more

In the shoes of an astronaut

In the shoes of an astronaut

College learning nation label – Last Thursday two Russian astronauts and an American flew to the international space station. With our guest, Christophe Chaffardon, responsible for educational activities at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse, we discover the daily life of astronauts aboard a space station. How do you become an astronaut? What is the … Read more

Most important government advisors: Leopoldina: Reopen schools as soon as possible

Most important government advisors: Leopoldina: Reopen schools as soon as possible

The Leopoldina’s scientists are presenting their highly anticipated plan to normalize the country. Schools are supposed to open quickly and a mask requirement is introduced in local transport. The parents of small children are likely to be disappointed. The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina recommends, under certain conditions, that primary schools and lower secondary education … Read more

Hold your pocket wider! Early summer holidays force parents to pay tuition

Hold your pocket wider! Early summer holidays force parents to pay tuition

In some schools, the school year has already ended. It began that a month ago it was impossible to imagine schools in some regions announcing the beginning of early summer vacations. This is not a joke, children can go on vacation now. And what they will do, and how to catch up with the school … Read more

Coronavirus in Italy: infections, deaths and all the news on the situation

Coronavirus in Italy: infections, deaths and all the news on the situation

Inpatients fall, even those in intensive care, the number of patients recovered sharply (record number), the number of new cases detected in relation to the number of tampons decreases. The Italian data provided yesterday by the Civil Protection confirm, for the fifth consecutive day, that the worst phase of the coronavirus emergency seems to have … Read more

Coronavirus, school decree, approval of the council of ministers: the commitment to distance learning will also weigh in the final evaluation

Coronavirus, school decree, approval of the council of ministers: the commitment to distance learning will also weigh in the final evaluation

The current Council of Ministers gave the green light to of school, with all the measures to finish the school year facing the Covid-19 emergency. Confirm some of the advances given by Republic in recent days: there are two scenarios, depending on whether they resume lessons in attendance, or, as is more likely, students for … Read more

Mix of Crazy Taxi and Snake are also on gas on PS4, Xbox One and Switch

Mix of Crazy Taxi and Snake are also on gas on PS4, Xbox One and Switch

Stovetop and Digerati already have positive reviews for PC (95 percent) Steam) published skill strip Snakeybus Also released for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd. in the Microsoft Store the download costs 11.99 euros, while in the eShop a launch discount of 20 percent (EUR 9.59 instead of … Read more

Closed schools and evaluation: are you a politician? No, the hypothesis of “promoted with debt”

Closed schools and evaluation: are you a politician? No, the hypothesis of “promoted with debt”

You will not go to school in July and August: Minister Lucia Azzolina repeated it again. In the classroom or at home, the year will end as planned, while in September it is possible that, compared to other years, it will start a little earlier, in the first week. Regional calendars will decide this in … Read more

Minister of National Education Selçuk: We are implementing the ‘live class’ application

Minister of National Education Selçuk: We are implementing the ‘live class’ application

Selçuk visited the newly opened Education Information Network (EBA) Control Center and EBA TV studio, EBA live class made statements regarding support and distance education process. Minister Selçuk stated that the education in schools was interrupted by taking the break on March 16, and 3 new television channels were established in a short period of … Read more

Corona virus in Thuringia: Thuringia is running out of protective equipment

Corona virus in Thuringia: Thuringia is running out of protective equipment

10:00 am | Thuringian adult education centers offer online courses The adult education centers in Thuringia have reacted to the corona crisis and switched to online courses. – Courses are therefore offered in the form of live streams or seminars on the Internet. There are fixed start and end times for this, the German Adult … Read more