Covid-Organics, a controversial treatment widely distributed in Madagascar

Covid-Organics, a controversial treatment widely distributed in Madagascar

In Madagascar, the fight against coronavirus has taken the form of a caramel brown liquid. Distributed in plastic bottles, five-liter cans or in the form of tea bags for infusion, the product, called Covid-Organics (CVO), would be effective in “seven days” according to Andry Rajoelina. The Madagascan president no longer appears in public without his … Read more

Masks, telecommuting, back to school … Everything you need to know about deconfinement

Masks, telecommuting, back to school … Everything you need to know about deconfinement

The deconfinement plan was presented by Edouard Philippe Tuesday, April 28 at the National Assembly, then symbolically rejected by the Senate Monday, May 4. Wearing a mask, reopening schools, maintaining telework, help for young people … What does this plan contain and what do we know about the deconfinement that should take place from Monday, … Read more

Maturity 2020, the no to exam in class is growing. How credits are converted

Maturity 2020, the no to exam in class is growing. How credits are converted

While discussing what to do for the recovery in September, another grain breaks out on the table of Education Minister Lucia Azzolina. The National Headquarters Association publishes a note explaining that not said that the exam in school can actually be done. Patience if the distance exam has never been tried by anyone it risks … Read more

School year in Valencia: When and how schools will open

School year in Valencia: When and how schools will open

The progressive de-escalation of confinement in which Spain has lived during the last weeks does not include a return to classrooms, since schools and institutes will generally be closed until start of the next school year 2020/21, as the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, advanced yesterday. That is to say: until September there will be no … Read more

President Trump wants to open schools and attacks China – coronavirus –

President Trump wants to open schools and attacks China – coronavirus –

04/28/2020 06:16 (Act. Apr 28, 2020 6:20 am) – – – US President Trump announces easing in the White House rose garden © APA / AFP – – – US President Donald Trump has announced school openings in the United States soon and has confirmed his allegations against China of the corona virus. China could … Read more

Maturity 2020, the grade changes: only 40 points from the interview. Increase the weight of the curriculum

Maturity 2020, the grade changes: only 40 points from the interview. Increase the weight of the curriculum

Children and young people will not return to class, but during the summer they may return to school to play. This is the proposal that Minister Lucia Azzolina is working on and that I will present to the government colleagues who, in these days, together with the Minister for the Family Elena Bonetti, are studying … Read more

Coronavirus. School, masks, transport, tests… The conditions for deconfinement are clarified

Coronavirus. School, masks, transport, tests… The conditions for deconfinement are clarified

The French government is working this Monday, April 27 on the final arbitrations to refine its perilous deconfinement plan faced with an epidemic of Covid-19 which left nearly 23,000 people dead in the country. Edouard Philippe will present the plan decided on Tuesday afternoon, before the deputies. But already, some options seem activated. Who will … Read more

No school before September, banned parties, closed bars: this is how Italy plans its deconfinement

No school before September, banned parties, closed bars: this is how Italy plans its deconfinement

Lhe head of the Italian government Giuseppe Conte promised Sunday the reopening of schools in September and announced a series of measures to alleviate the confinement to which Italians have been subjected since March 9. “The school is at the center of our thoughts and will reopen in September,” he said in an interview with … Read more

this is how Italy plans its deconfinement

this is how Italy plans its deconfinement

Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 10:36 p.m. By Sudinfo with AFP — Italian head of government Giuseppe Conte promised Sunday the reopening of schools in September and announced a series of measures to ease the confinement to which Italians have been subjected since March 9. – – “The school is at the center … Read more

no regional deconfinement, return to school on voluntary basis of parents and without obligation

no regional deconfinement, return to school on voluntary basis of parents and without obligation

Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 2:48 p.m. By Sudinfo with AFP — No deconfinement “regionalized” but “adapted to the territories”, back to school on the basis of parental volunteering, wearing a mask probably imposed in transport: in France, the Elysée Palace announced several main axes of the post -11 May Thursday, after a … Read more