Education: School cone and celebration: Tens of thousands of ABC students start

Education: School cone and celebration: Tens of thousands of ABC students start

27 August 2024, 4:00 a.m. Source: dpa Hessen Summary Summarize Unfortunately, the summary for this article cannot be displayed at the moment. Notice Sweets, pens, erasers, rulers: Often a hodgepodge of treats and school supplies are hidden in school cones. (Illustration) © Angelika Warmuth/​dpa Tens of thousands of first-graders are starting the new school year … Read more

Education: New school year, new questions: Parents’ helpline to help

Education: New school year, new questions: Parents’ helpline to help

24 August 2024, 5:00 a.m. Source: dpa Hessen Summary Summarize Unfortunately, the summary for this article cannot be displayed at the moment. Notice Parents of students in Hesse can pick up the phone if they have questions about the start of school – several authorities will provide answers. (Symbolic image) © Niklas Graeber/​dpa After the … Read more

Education: 536,000 students start the new school year in Saxony

Education: 536,000 students start the new school year in Saxony

Holidays over: After the summer holidays in Saxony, 536,000 pupils at state and independent schools are heading back to the classroom. “I wish our pupils a good start and I am sure that they will be able to achieve their goals and good intentions in the new grade,” said Saxony’s Minister of Education Christian Piwarz … Read more

Back to school in Central California: Caution urged in school zones | Video | Univision 21 Fresno KFTV

Back to school in Central California: Caution urged in school zones | Video | Univision 21 Fresno KFTV

Read transcript >> Good afternoon David, I’mready to apply the laws oftraffic already have advice foravoid accidents.>> the safety of ourstudents are priority numberOne for the police, we hopethat the public handles itself with thesame priority.>> all current races, thePolice are on alert, theofficer is part of unittactical, the most common is therush in the … Read more