Towards a more supervised second-hand market?

Towards a more supervised second-hand market?

The sale of used vehicles will be more supervised in France to avoid the scams that are multiplying. Legislative proposal to force sellers to provide contract written during the sale. The bill was tabled this week. Minor or serious scam, there are doubts in every second sale in France, according to the direction of consumption … Read more

her cell phone even rang while she was complaining to the police station …

her cell phone even rang while she was complaining to the police station …

Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 8:31 a.m. Through J.C. — Thérèse Van Hole, 62, was the victim of a phone scam. Since 2016, she has received strange phone calls. We offered her trips, but she was not interested … And yet! – – “On October 13, 2016, my phone rang,” says Theresa, from … Read more

Hundreds of people in debt restructuring scammed for tons 1Limburg

Hundreds of people in debt restructuring scammed for tons 1Limburg

Two Limburg administrators, independently of one another, have stolen some four tons from more than two hundred clients. Their victims were vulnerable people who were busy with the elimination of huge debts. – Justice is working on a criminal case in both cases, a spokesman confirms after asking questions from L1. Also read: Administrator dismissed … Read more

It will now be expensive for the drivers

It will now be expensive for the drivers

Comparison burst: There is no agreement between VW and consumer protection groups. Both blame each other for failure. The development of a fraud diesel driver costs a lot of money. The comparison of Volkswagen and diesel owners in the model determination procedure of the Federation of German Consumer Centers (vzbv) failed. Both sides argue about … Read more

Cyber ​​complaint: Fraudsters hijack existing WhatsApp accounts – Ripped off ?!

Cyber ​​complaint: Fraudsters hijack existing WhatsApp accounts – Ripped off ?!

Scam through WhatsApp, with Opichticht ?! we often see it pass by. But there are new developments regarding scams via WhatsApp. It appears that scammers are also able to hijack existing WhatsApp accounts. The excuse of the new telephone number is therefore no longer the most obvious method to be able to commit the fraud … Read more

long-term rental, the fake good deal?

long-term rental, the fake good deal?

The consumer association UFC-Que Choisir denounced Wednesday 22 January the long-term rental (LLD) for household appliances. According to the association, this system is worse than that of revolving credits in the 2000s. UFC-Que Choisir, which has received several hundred reports concerning these offers, ensures that it would be more expensive to rent than to buy … Read more

Strache is also suspected of fraud – News

Strache is also suspected of fraud – News

Former Vice Chancellor and FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache is now said to be suspected of fraud. The background should be party donations. New year, new adversity for Heinz-Christian Strache, As the “Krone” reports on Thursday, it is now being investigated for serious fraud against the former FPÖ leader. For example, the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office … Read more

That’s why you shouldn’t cut short in 2020

That’s why you shouldn’t cut short in 2020

Consumer advocates are currently drawing attention to a new scam: fraudsters could use a date trick to forge your documents. But you can easily save yourself the hassle. Consumer advocates warn against shortening the current year 2020 in documents and letters with “20”. The consumer portal “Chip 365” provides information about this. Instead, you should … Read more

John Travolta, Csengeri heiress – 5 large-scale frauds that Hungarians fell for

John Travolta, Csengeri heiress – 5 large-scale frauds that Hungarians fell for

Though we have gotten an increasing number of conscious of on-line fraud, it’s typically straightforward to slide right into a rip-off. Now somebody managed to interrupt up with love promised within the title of John Travolta. The case isn’t distinctive: listed here are 5 large-scale scams that harmed Hungarians! Somebody requested a Hungarian lady for … Read more